
The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I thought as we moved through the week we could share #TuesdayMotivation with you and then I would share my #TuesdayThoughts with you and we all know today should be #TacoTuesday but we have Taco’s on Monday’s because El Chico offers Tacos for $2 a piece and you can add Rice and Beans for .99 cents and let me tell you there Smack Yo Mama Good.

Its just the beginning of a New Year and I’ve been struggling like crazy. David and I are fighting to keep our heads above water because his overtime has been done away with at work. Each week I see us getting further n further in date. We have Charlie’s graduation in May and I honestly don’t know if I will be able to afford a ceremony for Charlie.

In my head I keep hearing its going to be okay the LORD will not give us more than we can handle. We can do this together and we will survive as long as we don’t give up. Then I go back to my childhood and remembering the Little Engine that I think I can , I think I can and I will somehow someway as long as I have the LORD and my family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates