January 6th, 2024 Photo of the Day Challenge #PhotoftheDay Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

Its a little early to ask this question because if your like me you may not know what’s for dinner tonight but this will remind you to come and share a photo of what your having.

I was thinking of making Hamburger Steaks with Onions inside the Mean with Brown Gravy and Mashed Potatoes which my grandmother Dorie used to make for me for dinner.

Before you ask no, David and Charlie will not eat Hamburger Steaks because they do not like Onions. I thought of make Smothered Hamburger Steaks for David but again Charlie will not eat this. Which means we would have to prepare 3 meals and that isn’t something I want to do..

You will have to wait until David gets home to see what were going to have for dinner. Just like I am going to have to do.

In the meantime I have a question for you. Do you like Hamburger Steaks? Do you add Onions to the Meat or just put them on top? How about Mushrooms? Do you use them because a lot of restaurants do which I don’t like.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates