Ultimate Blog Challenge #UBC #BlogBoost January 5th, 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning,

I wanted to share my post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and this morning we was asked to: share One Piece of Advice: What is a subject or activity you have a lot of knowledge around? If you were giving your 1 best tip to someone brand new to that subject or activity, what would you tell them? What do you wish you’d known when you were new to the subject or activity?

I thought about this a lot and thought I could share how to get started in blogging or homeschooling. Or a parenting tip but with the New Year here there is so much going through my head that I couldn’t settle on one thing to share. As were trying to recoup from Christmas and facing David’s hours of getting cut at work.

While planning a graduation for my son which is going to cost extra money. Instead of sharing a piece of advice with you I would just like to ask you to come share something that makes you smile with me today because I’m really struggling and could use lots and lots of PRAYERS not only for myself but David and Charlie as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates