Homeschool Resource: Struggly Annual Subscription

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you?. If you’ve used Struggly for Math for Grade(s): 3 – 8. Charlie is graduating in May but sometimes we go back to past grades to make sure Charlie is retaining what he learned which is why I wanted to share Struggly with. Which we haven’t had the opportunity to check out which I want to do soon. In the meantime have you used Struggly with your children? If so leave me a comment and let me know what you liked or disliked about this resource and why.

Struggly– For Grade(s): 3 – 8

Unlock your child’s limitless potential with math education based on neuroscience. Struggly gives children opportunities to develop brain connections with multiple forms of math using interactive and exciting tasks and games. With Struggly, children develop number sense and flexibility which are key to success in mathematics and beyond. Struggly chose their name to encourage children to embrace struggle as these are the moments when our brain is growing.

Product details

A different way to learn, think, and grow, Struggly supports the learning of conceptual mathematics that is critical for children to develop a deep understanding of math through investigative exploring. Struggly helps students to see math as a visual subject that creates a sense of connectiveness that will aid children as they move on to higher level mathematics. The program also features a guide for parents with real time feedback on how to support their children as they work through challenging mathematics tasks.


  • 364 levels within 32 tasks with more levels and tasks added monthly.
  • Individual task schedule to guide and track the child’s development.
  • Parent Guide with hints and solutions for the parent.
  • Up to five children’s accounts with individual learning plans.
  • The perfect addition to any math curriculum!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates