Homeschool Lesson Plan Ultimate Warrior

The Mommies Reviews

When Homeschooling our students we can use the things there interested to teach them For Charlie this is Wrestling and Basketball. This week were going to study the Wrestler Ultimate Warrior. The Ultimate Warrior began his career in1987 to 1992, as well as a short stint in 1996. He also notably spent a few months in 1998.

Warrior (born James Brian Hellwig; June 16, 1959 – April 8, 2014) was an American professional wrestler and bodybuilder. Best known by his ring name The Ultimate Warrior, he wrestled for the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE) from 1987 to 1992, as well as a short stint in 1996. He also notably spent a few months in 1998 for World Championship Wrestling (WCW), where he was known as The Warrior.

After a career in bodybuilding, Warrior turned to professional wrestling. From 1985 to 1986, he would tag with fellow former bodybuilder  Steve Borden as the Blade Runners, and split when Warrior left to pursue a singles career in World Class Championship Wrestling (WCCW). Under the ring name Dingo Warrior, he was a one-time WCWA Texas Heavyweight Champion. In 1987, he joined the World Wrestling Federation, and became a two-time WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion within two years. At WrestleMania VI, Warrior won the WWF Championship in a title vs. title match over Hulk Hogan, making him the first wrestler to hold both titles concurrently. Posited as the new face of the company, he would fall out with Vince McMahon over a pay dispute, and attempted to leave the WWF, which was rejected. Warrior would return at WrestleMania VIII, but by November 1992, he had been released; it was later revealed that this was due to steroid use. In 1993, he legally changed his name to the mononym “Warrior” and was credited as a co-writer for a comic book based on his name and likeness. Warrior returned to the WWF at WrestleMania XII, but lasted four months, as he began no-showing events. Two years later, he joined World Championship Wrestling (who had tried to hire him in 1995), being used in a much-maligned storyline with Hogan, which culminated at Halloween Havoc. Warrior retired from professional wrestling and subsequently embarked on a public speaking career, but wrestled one final match in Spain in 2008.

Warrior died on April 8, 2014, at the age of 54 in Scottsdale, Arizona. On the preceding three nights in New Orleans, he had been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, appeared at WrestleMania XXX and made his final public appearance on Monday Night Raw, returning to the promotion after an acrimonious separation in 1996.



The Ultimate Warrior, James Brain Hellwig, April, American Professional Wrestlers, Bodybuilder, Ring Name, World Wrestling Federation, WWF, WWE, World Championships Wresting, The Warrior, Professional, Steve Borden, The Blade Runners, WCCW, Dingo Warrior, WCWA Texas Heavyweight Champion, World Wrestling Federation, two-time. WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, WrestleMania IV, WWF Championship, title versus title match, Hulk Hogan, Wrestler, Concurrently, Posited, Vince McMahon, Pay Dispute, Rejected, WrestleMania V111, No-Showing events, November, released, Steroid, Mononym, Warrior, Credited, Co-Writer, Comic Book, Name, Likeness, World Championship Wrestling


Write your spelling words 5 times in ABC order in your Spelling Journal.


Use your Spelling words in a story you create inside your Spelling Journal and include a illustration for your story.


Write your spelling words inside your Spelling Journal and include a definition for the words.


Take a Pre-Spelling Test. Write any words you miss 5 times each in your Spelling Journal.


If you make a 100 on your Spelling Pre-Test then you have a free day. If not re-take your Spelling Test. Write any words you miss 5 times each.

Reading Class:

Charlie will be reading Ultimate Warrior: A Life Lived Forever – The Legend of a WWE Hero for 30 minutes a day. Each day Charlie will be writing 2 facts he learned in his Reading Journal.

For your students you can purchase a book on writing on Amazon or you can go on a Field Trip to a local Book Store or Library. Charlie and I will be doing to rent movies on the Ultimate Warrior.

Math Class:

Look up facts on the Ultimate Warrior. Like how long has he Wrestled. How many States has he Wrestled in? How may partners did he have and how long did they Wrestle together.

Use these facts to create 5 math problems for someone in your family to work, Then have them create 5 math problems for you to work.

Write these math problems inside your Math Journal.

Cooking Class:

Look up what the Ultimate Warrior liked to eat and prepare this dish for your family. If you can’t figure out what he liked to eat look up the State he came from and cook the foods the State is famous for.

Write the recipe inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.

Drama Class:

Watch some of the matches the Ultimate Warrior was in or any TV Shows or Movies and act out his moves for your parents. Write a illustration if your performance in your Drama Journal and include a picture of you in your performance.

Music Class:

Look up the Music the Ultimate Warrior would use when entering the ring and learn the song to perform for your parents.

Write the lyrics to the song inside your Music Journal.

PE Class:

Watch some of the Ultimate Warriors moves and then practice them in your PE Class.

Look up what items a Wrestler uses when training and write a description of what you use in your PE Journal.

Art Class:

Use the information you created to create a piece of Art based on the Ultimate Warrior using different styles of Art and supplies. Write a description of your Art in your Art Journal and include a photo of your art project.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates