Sorgho Squad Chapter #2 The Rumors Are True… Introducing, Mashilla!

The Mommies Reviews

Sorgho Squad: Chapter #2: The Rumors are True….Introducing, Mashilla!! Story by Nate Blum (Author), Jordan Scribner (Illustrator). I received this book and also book one for a review. You can see our first review here: and a guest piece about the books here. Then check out a press release on the book here Please.

I shared my thoughts with you a couple days on book one so this morning before Charlie started school I sat down and read the second book in the series. Sorgho Squad: Chapter #2: The Rumors are True… .Introducing, Mashilla!! What surprsied me was when David and Charlie asked me to read the story outloud so they would know what was happening.

Sorgho Squad: Chapter #2: The Rumors are True….Introducing, Mashilla!! is almost like a comic book or Anime Charlie said. David wanted me to let you know the illustrations are amazing and all the colors used in the book are eye popping. The story is for older children and can be used to teach a Homeschool Science Class.

In the story we are in London with Professor Sorgho and his assistant Alice after they found Jowar The Lost Hero of Sustainability. In this story e learn about Mashilla who is lost. The last time she was seen was in Lalibela, Ethiopia which we can study in our Homeschool when studying Countries. Would you like to join us?

She would make Cookies out of Sorghum and Charlie, and I will be using the recipe in the end of the book to create Cookies in our Homeschool Cooking Class. Would you like to make cookies with us? They use Bioplastic Binoculars to look for her. Charlie and I may try and make a pair of Binoculars would you like to help us?

They find a Cornucopia. They go Spelunking which Charlie and I can do one day for our Homeschool PE Class. Would you like to do this with us? there is writing in the cave called Amharic. They find Marshilla who has gone dormant a word for our spelling test this week. Charlie saw a saying I use all the time in the book which was Gee Wilkers now Charlie knows I haven’t lost my mind when I use it.

They was going to use water to wake her up but the first time it’s Coffee. Do you think the Coffee worked or did they have to use water? She has been in the Indus Valley. I hope you take the time to read Sorgho Squad: Chapter #2: The Rumors are True….Introducing, Mashilla!! because we didn’t share everything with you.


The Sorgho Squad” is an enthralling adventure that follows the exploits of Professor Sorgho, Alice, and Jowar as they embark on a quest to discover and revive the members of the ancient-grain supergroup. Having successfully found and awakened the first member in the Indus Valley, the trio sets out on a worldwide expedition to locate the next crucial addition to the Sorgho Squad—Mashilla.

In this action-packed tale, readers are taken on a captivating journey across different continents and cultures. From unearthing hidden clues to overcoming thrilling challenges, the Sorgho Squad faces danger at every turn. Along the way, they encounter fascinating characters, unravel ancient mysteries, and unearth the power of unity and resilience.

Authored by Nate Blum, an esteemed figure in the world of grain sorghum production and marketing, “Sorgho Squad” seamlessly blends adventure, education, and the magic of ancient grains. Blum’s expertise in the field brings authenticity and depth to the narrative, providing readers with a unique insight into the world of sorghum and its associated small grains.

I wanted to remind you once you finish reading Sorgho Squad Chapter #2 The Rumors Are True. to also check out more information on the books here: and a guest piece about the books here. Then check out a press release on the book here Please.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates