Teachers are no longer just shepherds of learning; they are also caretakers and advocates for student health

The Mommies Reviews

Demanding education systems are wreaking havoc on vision health, and teachers are stepping up to the plate to improve the academic and behavioral success of their students by advocating for life-changing resources, like those offered by 4D Vision Gym, to improve the learning experience of children struggling in the classroom. 

Dr. Juanita Collier, founder of 4D Vision Gym, rolled up her white-coat sleeves and invented a vision therapy platform called Built to Read that aims to stop myopia in its tracks by providing children with activities that strengthen their eye muscles and improve their visual skills. With Built to Read, teachers can take a proactive approach to their children’s eye health, ensuring that their vision stays sharp and clear as they navigate the digital landscape throughout their education. 

With remnants of remote education and ever-increasing screen time causing vision issues like myopia, a global epidemic, educators must expand their roles to better serve their schools and students. Now more than ever it is essential for educators to help empower their students, who then feel empowered themselves. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates