Ball of Foot Cushions

The Mommies Reviews

I hate to admit it but I’ve not been walking as much as I need to. This is hindering my weight loss and it isn’t because of my knee. My foot has been hurting. I am so bad that half the time I go outside without shoes on and walk through our parking lot. I’ve bruised my foot and it makes the bottom of my feet hurt.

I decided this week to look online to see if I could find something that would help the balls of my feet to stop hurting. While online I looked up insoles for my shoes and decided I would try ball of foot cushions to see if they would help. Although as I went to put them in my SKECHERS I noticed they had a toe in the insole near the top of my shoe.

I let David know about my shoes and that I needed to look for insoles for my shoes. Charlie overheard me and let me know he needed shoes as well because his slides had torn. Charlie and I went online this morning and picked out a pair of Dragon Ball Tennis Shoes for himself. As for me I want to go to the SKECHERS store to look for a pair of Go Walks

To prepare David and Charlie for walking with me every day I found 9 tips for taking our pets with us. As well as ways for me to walk in the house and get my steps in when I can’t get outside. Once again I may never lose the weight, I’ve been struggling with, but I am trying. Gaving HEART BALL OF FOOT CUSHIONS will remind me I am loved and can do anything I want as long as I keep trying.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates