Harmony Bottle Promotional from zak

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share Harmony Bottle promotional campaign from zak with you and the products you find mentioned in this review was sent to me in exchange for this review.

In our home our lives have been turned upside down more than once this Summer. Usually, Charlie and I get to spend a couple days a week with my niece Lily and Jason. Which is why I wanted to work on this campaign so we could get them outside and off electronics but there parents put them in camp.

Which is a Godsend as our Swimming Pool hasn’t opened and Charlie decided to return to Homeschool earlier than usual. As we was sitting up class and I mentioned this event to Charlie and how it was to get us out into Nature Charlie went upstairs to his room. Then he came back downstairs and went through the box with me.

Charlie said mom all of this is for little girls. I said yes, it is pink but little boys can still learn using these products. Then Charlie said mom there is little kids her in the Apartment that are stuck inside all day like me. They must be bored and getting on their parents’ nerves. I smiled and said yes, I am sure they did.

The next morning Charlie asked me to go into the Apartment Office because he wanted to talk to the manager of our complex. Charlie let the manager know that I conduct reviews for many clients. Then Charlie explained Nature Exploration Kit for kids and what all was in this kit. Charlie asked if we could set up a Nature class which Charlie would teach the little children about Bugs and Gardening.

Thanks to Zak and the Nature Exploration Kit for kids’ Crystal the office Manager is helping Charlie design a Flier so parents can sign up not only for the Nature Class, but Storytime and a Scavenger Hunt hosted by Charlie. Charlie has been working on a Supply List and linked to zak Harmony Bottle for children and adults because the water bottles are made from 75% Recycled Material.

Which has Charlie thinking about another class he can host with a giveaway. With all Charlie is doing he may have a new career and I may have a teacher on my hands which would be awesome since his sister passed away before she got to become the teacher she wanted to be. As you can see from Charlie and I it doesn’t matter if you live in the middle of the most densely populated City or on a pristine ranch in the remote regions of the Country, good environmental stewardship is a critical piece of protecting our planet for future generations.

The best way to develop the desire to become responsible environmental stewards is to experience the wonders of nature wherever they might be found. Which means turning of the electronics and getting outside each and every day for at least 30 minutes and before you say its to hot to go outside just grab your Harmony Water Bottle and you will be set.

As your out and about if you live in Fort Worth be watching for Charlie and I as we take a hike, or Charlie goes bike riding with his Harmony Water Bottle. Or you might see us taking Charlie’s class, on a picnic. Would you like to come with us? We can stop off and look at all the flowers growing around the complex.

Exploring the Vegetation. Charlie and I can help the kids learn how to identify Birds and Wildlife in our neighborhood including Frogs and Turtles Charlie loves. Once all the children leave you will find Charlie and I sitting outside on our balcony or porch watching and listening to the Birds and petting all the dogs that walks bye. Would you like to join us?

The Harmony Water Bottles keeps Charlie and I hydrated on our outdoor adventures while also providing a great example of environmental responsibility and stewardship because Harmony bottles they’re reusable, which means they help eliminate the need for disposable water bottles, cans, and cups, which needlessly create adverse environmental impacts. 

Next month is David’s Birthday as well as my niece Lily and her mom Alyssa and I would like to purchase Harmony Water Bottles for them as well as my sister who goes walking with me every day outside in this 100-degree Texas heat we battle to lose the weight were struggling to lose. Would you like to join us for a 30 minute walk?

Not only in our kit was the Harmony Water Bottle but the following products a backpack tag from Leave No Trace that gives tips on ways to be good environmental stewards – An Adventure Backpack with binoculars, magnifying glass, compass, whistle, and flashlight  along with A Nature Activity book full of more than 50 activities to spark curiosity in kids which Charlie will be using with the kids he teaches.

As well as in our Homeschool Science Class even though Charlie is turning 16 soon and the book is for younger children, we found a lot of activities we want to do as a family as well as share with the children in the neighborhood. When I am walking by myself, I can take the whistle in case something happens and blow it to alert people that I need help.

Not only that Charlie hasn’t ever gotten to go camping and has asked and asked to go. Thanks to his Uncle Mike he know has a Tent and Lanterns and sleeping bags and thanks to our Adventure Kit we have all the other items we need including a Flashlight so we can see in the evening. Along with Binoculars to be able to look at the Stars in our Homeschool Astrology Class.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates