Per Se

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a new beverage which is called Per Se. I received a 6 pack of the beverages in the following flavors Paloma, Mojito and Hibiscus Margarita which I received in exchange for this review.

David enjoys having a Beer most evenings and since I don’t drink much anymore, he is always having to drink by himself which he hates. Unless we have friends over or my sister is off and will have a glass of Wine with David. Now, we don’t have that problem anymore thanks to Per Se which are Acholic Free beverages for adults.

I like that these beverages come in a 6-pack featuring 3 different varieties in 8.4 oz which is enough for one person but if you’re like me and don’t drink much enough to share with a friend. There is only 80 calories in each which cannot hurt the Diet I’ ‘m on. There is Sugar but not enough to deter me from losing weight.

I placed the drinks in the ice box to have a drink with David last night at dinner. I choose Hibiscus Margarita before I share my thoughts with you. I’m not one who usually drinks Margarita’s, but I loved the taste of this one. Which can be drank straight from the can or over a glass of crushed Ice which is how I drank mine making it a Frozen Margarita.

 You will find this beverage is created from Pomegranate blended with the floral notes of Hibiscus, while a dash of Cinnamon and Sage adds a warm kick. I thought with the beverage having Cinnamon and Sage in it that I wouldn’t like this beverage but that wasn’t the case and is one of the reasons I liked it along with Pomegranate which I want to purchase at the store and have my family try since we’ve never had one.

David decided to try out the Mojito while cooking dinner. Which was fine with me. I asked David why he picked it out and he said because the can had a green line around the can David knew I liked purple and left that can and the Salmon color can for me which was the Paloma. You gotta love a man who knows your favorite color and makes sure you end up with it.

You will find Mojito has Muddled Mint, which I usually do not care for while David loves Mint. Lime Juice which just like Lemons I do not care for while David loves both of them. Orange Blossom Water which wasn’t overpowering but had a nice light taste. Green Tea which I like, and I’ve been wanting to drink more of because its healthier than the Sweet Tea I live on and Vanilla which I like a lot and so does David.

Last not least was Paloma which I’ve heard of but never had the opportunity to try when out to dinner and David said he hadn’t either. The next night when we were hosting Family Game Night David and I each got a Mojito out to drink. The black can with a Salmon ring pops out and makes the dining room table stand out.

On a Hot day in Texas this alcohol-free Paloma is a Cocktail featuring Citrus flavors which I didn’t think I would care for. But this beverage isn’t overpowering and I liked it a lot. David and I can’t wait to purchase more Paloma to take to the Swimming Pool with us this Summer and to serve at the Bar B Ques we will be hosting. Would you like to join us and try Paloma?

You will find this beverage is created from Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice, which is healthy and on my diet which I haven’t been eating the way I should.. I wonder if it would count if I drank a Paloma every day? Rosemary Syrup, and a pinch of Salt which wasn’t enough to bother David wo isn’t supposed to have Salt at all because it makes his legs swell.


At Per Se, we craft sophisticated alcohol free drinks that invite you to slow down, sip, and savor. Our drinks use familiar ingredients and elevated flavor combinations to offer an uncompromising choice for any drinking occasion. 

No booze.

These drinks are 100% alcohol free. There is no alcohol. Nada. Zilch.

No bar.

You can enjoy your favorite classic cocktail and skip the bar.

No bull.

Per Se drinks are all natural with half the sugar of soda and similar carbs as non-alcoholic beer and wine. We use familiar ingredients like tea, juice, fruit, and herbs that result in sophisticated adult alcohol free drinks to sip and savor.

Our mission
We offer alcohol free drinks for adventurous cocktail lovers, and craft uncompromising experiences for all lifestyles. We strive to grow our brand with the same tenacity we put into our beverages. We are devoted to inclusive and delicious AF opportunities for everyone to belong. We show up by being uncompromisingly authentic and making space for others to do the same. Let’s do and be good together!

Join our speakeasy for brand updates and early access to fun stuff

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates