the Spiritual Journey by Allyson Roberts

The Mommies Reviews

the Spiritual Journey by Allyson Roberts

 Today is Mother’s Day I’m one to remind you things can change in the blink of an eye. One day I was a mom to a beautiful daughter who I fought to have even though her dad wasn’t in the picture and my dad wanted to take her but if he did he said I wouldn’t ever be able to see her. Thank GOD I stood up to my dad as I was able to have her here on Earth for 16 years.

Then a year after her death my ex decided he didn’t want to be married anymore and left me homeless. Thanks to a friend and my sister I didn’t end up living in my car but almost did. Then the friend betrayed me and took some of my daughter’s stuff and I found myself struggling with where to live and what to do.

The LORD brought a true ANGEL into my life just like the Author encountered who helped me get my own place and even paid the bills for me. We ended up married and I have Charlie a true miracle as I shouldn’t have had any other children after Suzzane due to a Cancer scare. But here I am still struggling with Suzzie death and the grief I experienced from my parents’ death.

Through the AUTHOR sharing her story I know there is more for me in the world I just can’t give up. Through the questions she ask us I’ve been able to get into touch with myself and work through a lot of my doubts. I am not afraid of the future. I know I will be a good mom and a wife my parents can be proud of.

I found this novel to be inspirational, emotional and empowering all in one and a must read for those that are in a place of growth but frozen with fear or overthinking the journey. Which is why I plan on sharing this novel with not only my best friend but my sister. As well as use the questions with David and Charlie who can learn from the Author.

David has struggled with alcohol and drugs throughout his life and was of abused, and homeless so I know he will also be able to relate to the book even though the novel is more for women because the Author was pregnant but her faith & spirituality & how these things impacted her decisions as life evolved even men can and will be touched by her story and be able to understand there spouses more.

You may not be like me but I shed buckets of tears when reading Allyson’s testimony and I plan on making sure the people I give the novel to has Kleenex on hand because they will need them. Through the novel you will find proof that no matter how hard your struggle is, your life can change in an instant.  This novel can be read in one sitting but if your like me you will find you don’t want to and will grab a notebook and pen as you read the chapters accompanied by questions that allow you to dig deeper into your life and those you love.


When Allyson found herself pregnant and living in her car, feeling lost, fearful, and abandoned, she relied on reading Napoleon Hill and tapping into spiritual guidance. Allyson wasn’t sure she would survive, or that the child growing inside of her would make it, but she knew that she had the power to turn things around if she could just get her mind focused on what she wanted. Being aware that she would have to believe what she was thinking, and even though this was an uphill battle in her unbearable circumstances, she took a chance and changed everything.

Years later, Allyson is ready to share her story so that you can find your true path. If you know that life is calling you to step into greater things, this book has found you for that reason.

Inside this book you will discover:

  • That your past does not have to dictate your future and how you can break free from patterns that keep you bound to it.
  • Why others expect you to behave the way that makes them feel comfortable and how to make your needs, desires, and feelings non-negotiable.
  • Effective ways to change it all so that you can finally step into your true self.

About the Author

Allyson Roberts is a Cognitive Behavioral Expert with a global reach and over twenty-five years of experience. She was named to the Top 100 Coaches in the World in 2020 by Feedspot and has been featured on major networks, radio broadcasts, newspapers, podcasts, and live and virtual stages. She is the author of The Magic in You and Woman of Worth – Women in Business in a Changing World along with dozens of guest blogs.

Allyson is the creator of Personalized Science — a system that combines Science and Spirituality that promotes healthy and lasting lifestyle changes along with a renewed sense of the higher-self connection.Her mission is to show others how the brain keeps us prisoners to the past, and more importantly, teach the tools to break out of unhealthy life patterns and cycles. Find out more at

Allyson Roberts knows what it takes to make it in this world. As a young woman who survived homelessness, abuse, and with no spiritual guidance, she now helps people overcome their greatest obstacles with her personalized Science system. Allyson brings clarity, compassion, and intuition to her clients who are working through trauma, repeated behavioral patterns, and feelings of unworthiness. She has guided thousands of people all over the world to find their internal power.

Allyson is the founder of Unapologetic Power, LLC, and is recognized by Feedspot as one of the Top 20 Coaches in the world. She is known for her best-selling programs such as Stop Shilting on Yourself, Painless Pivots to Power, and Unapologetic Power. Her book, The Magic in You is available in her blog series.

For more information, visit

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates