Bad Touching

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a children’s book Bad Touching by Dr. Tiffanie Tate which I received a copy of. I believe Bad Touching should be in every home in America. As well as schools, counselor’s offices and Church’s. If you know of someone having a child, please make sure and give them a copy of Bad Touching so they can always make sure their children are prepared for this world we live in. Which is why you see our Back- To- School Gift Guide 2023: Bad Touching at the top of the list.

I was reading the title of Bad Touching which took me back to my childhood when I asked to spend the night with my best friend Even though her parents and mine were friend’s my mom and dad said no. Because my friend Tina’s stepdad used to watch the girls take baths which wasn’t right, my parents didn’t want this happening to me. I’m so happy they protected me.

I just wish my mom would have been better at stopping abuse surrounding my brother who used to try and see me in the bathtub ask me questions he had no, business asking and touching me in ways he shouldn’t. I did tell my grandmother, but she couldn’t stop it. Because of this my brother and also a cousin did things to my sister that should never have happened.

I had Suzzane and was always afraid to leave her with my mom because my brother lived with her. I remember when Suzzie was 12, I asked Suzzie if my brother had ever tried anything with her. Suzzane said no. Then my sister let her know what he did to her. Which I had no, clue had happened. Through this we were able to discuss how it wasn’t right but if we had Bad Touching, it would have made things so much easier.

My son is going to be 16 around Christmas Bad Touching is a book anyone who comes into contact with small children should keep in their household. You never know who you might come into contact with. I wish I had Bad Touching when Suzzane was little. I was dating although I never brought the men around her. Until I decided to marry her stepdad who I never worried about.

As Charlie gets older and I see some of the things he posts on Facebook I can’t in good conscience let Charlie be around him even though he is always asking if Charlie can come and spend the Summer with him. How do I know he wouldn’t do anything to him and after asking my Aunt who will not let her granddaughter be around my brother I know I am doing the right thing and protecting my son from being abused sexually and mentally.

When Charlie was little he was always with David and I until Charlie was old enough to go to school at the Rec Center and I was always there helping out. Then in public school I was there as well because even though schools should be a safe place sometimes they aren’t. I didn’t have to worry about Charlie coming into contact with adults that could abuse children until he went to public school.

Which thank the LORD never happened although he was BULLIED by other children which is just as bad if not worse than sexual abuse. I remember sitting Charlie down and discussing Bad Touching the first day of school and David asking me why I was talking about this and I let David know I wanted Charlie to know it was wrong and not be afraid to let a adult know if it happened to him or a friend.

I just wish I had Bad Touching which would have made discussing sexual abuse a lot easier. Charlie wouldn’t have been so embarrassed, and I wouldn’t have been so uncomfortable and unsure of what to say or how to say what Charlie needed to know. Please make sure you always have qa copy of Bad Touching on hand to share with any adult that comes into contact with children.

I really liked how the AUTHOR explains sexual abuse, in a kid friendly way that children can relate to. Bad Touching is written for younger children who can read the book on their own and then ask adults any questions they might have. Although, children and even adults of all ages can learn from Bad Touching.


This story is about two little sisters, Lillie and Linda, who wanted to make every adult happy. They lived alone with their mother. When their mother got a new boyfriend, he helped take care of them. He was initially nice, but that changed.

Lillie and Linda had to learn that there are times in which making everyone happy is not always a good thing if it hurts you in the process. This story helps children identify abusive situations and provides directions on where they can go to seek help and report abuse.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates