How To Minimize Hot Flashes Mood Swings During Menopause

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How To Minimize Hot Flashes Mood Swings During Menopause on

If you are wondering what causes hot flashes during menopause, the answer is an imbalance of hormones, specifically a decrease in estrogen levels. Hot flashes are not the only unwanted symptom of decreased hormone levels that affect your health and wellness. Other common ones include mood swings, difficulty sleeping, and a diminished sex drive. Although going through this time of life is not fun, there are things you can do to minimize hot flashes and mood swings.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Your diet plays a big role in how you feel in menopause. Focus on increasing your intake of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, healthy fats, and protein. This ensures you are getting a wide range of essential nutrients, such as folate, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans, which help improve mood and reduce hot flashes. Certain foods may also aggravate menopausal symptoms, so limit or avoid triggers such as caffeine, spicy food, and alcohol.

There are various herbs that have been shown to reduce some symptoms. These herbs include black cohosh, dong quai, red clover, and evening primrose oil. If you are taking medications, check with your medical provider before taking herbal supplements. There is also a specific mood swings menopause supplement that you can take when you need extra support.

Get Good Rest

Sleep is always important, but it is imperative to get extra sleep when experiencing menopause. When you are short on rest, you are especially susceptible to mood swings and irritability. Focus on getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, and take a nap if you are feeling tired.


Staying physically active helps reduce many menopause symptoms, as it helps to stabilize moods and regulate body heat. It also combats weight gain, which is common during this phase of life. To stay engaged, partake in a variety of activities, and choose ones that you enjoy and want to continue week after week.

It is a good idea to incorporate cardio and strength training. Aim for 30 to 45 minutes of cardio three to five days a week. Try swimming, jogging, cycling, aerobics, the elliptical machine, rowing machine, or brisk walking. Training with weights not only builds muscle, which further combats weight gain, but it also improves bone density and reduces the chances of fractures.

Lower Stress Levels

Stress often increases hot flashes and mood swings. Although there are estrogen pills over the counter to help minimize these symptoms, you can also incorporate things that reduce your stress levels. Stress reducers differ from one person to another, so experiment with varying things. Take a yoga class, read a good book, or try meditating.

For many people, uplifting music or going for a walk help control stress. Socializing with friends is also a good stress reliever. You can even combine exercise with socializing to get the most effective results.

Although menopause does not last forever, many women look for remedies to help manage the accompanying symptoms. Along with over-the-counter estrogen tablets, there are many lifestyle changes that can minimize hot flashes, mood swings, and other unwanted symptoms.