Unique Holidays: October 2nd 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our feature sharing Unique Holidays: October 2nd 2022. Today is National Custodial Day. Did you know my dad was a Custodial Worker a Keller School for while? Only then they were called Janitors. If you know of a custodial worker or janitor please thank them for all there hard work.

National Custodial Worker Day

October 2nd is National Custodial Workers Day. Give your custodial worker a big thanks. At your school, Church, place of employment, or variety of other places, our custodial support are silently at work all year long.

Custodial Workers are the workers who clean and keep in good repair, the facility that you enjoy. Did you know Janitors seldom get recognition? Janitors are usually in the background or “behind” the scene and we don’t see them.

Take a minute on National Custodial Day, to seek out custodial workers at your facility. Give these workers a big “Thank you” for all that they do to keep the facility sparkling and running like a top.

If you are a custodial worker, we wish you a very happy National Custodial Workers Day!

How to Celebrate Custodial Workers Day

  • Tell the janitors that you come into contact with that you appreciate all he or she does.
  • Give a greeting card to your custodial worker.
  • Give the janitor a gift especially cash or gift cards.
  • Facilities managers, give a lunch to the custodial staff.

History and Origin of National Custodial Workers Recognition Day

We found no factual information on the creation of National Custodial Day and this holiday event appears to have begun around 2016 but our research found no earlier references to this event.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Name Your Car Day

October 2nd is Name Your Car Day. Does your vehicle have a name? Lots of people name their cars. People with big boats, name their boats, and people think nothing of it. Why not name your car or truck!? Speaking of trucks, there are so many of these vehicles on the road today, that a truck owner might call this Name Your Truck Day.

Every vehicle has character and personality. We spend a lot of time in our vehicles and caring for them. It’s only fitting that we give them a name.

Selecting a name should be made with care and consideration. Give your vehicles a name that properly reflects its character. What you name your vehicle should be a proper reflection of its character and performance, and your desires for your car. In general, guys’ names are used for guys’ cars, and girl names are given to the cars that you ladies drive. Aside from that, the selection of a name is wide open. Be careful, your car has feelings, too.

Selecting a Name for Your Vehicle

  • Don’t select anything wimpy which might give your car a personality complex and your vehicle will perform accordingly.
  • Give a strong, aggressive name to sports cars and cars with powerful engines.
  • Sleek, sexy feline-like cars savor names that begin with “lady”.
  • Old junkers are proud just to be around and you can call them just about anything. Try “Tramp”, “Old Yeller”, or “Old Blue”.
  • Pick names to reflect your personality.
  • “Pickup” trucks should have Country themes.
  • Don’t give common names like Joe, or Susy to luxury cars. Luxury cars much prefer formal or high-class moniker names including Reginald, Archibald, and Crystal.

How to Celebrate Name Your Car Day

  • Spend time researching names for your car. 
  • Make sure the name fits your personality and the type of vehicle you drive.
  • Look for a way to put the name you selected on the car.

World Farm Animals Day

Did you know October 2nd is World Farm Animals Day, which is mainly about Animal rights. World Farm Animals Day was created in memory of Mahatma Gandhi, a Hindu Spiritual leader in the Country of India. Among the many things, Gandhi taught was non-violence and treating all living beings with respect. This teaching is all-inclusive. This means fair and humane treatment of farm Animals, too. This holiday was created to draw attention to the poor treatment and plight of Animals on some farms in many parts of the world.

To many of us, there is a certain happiness and joy when we see or think of farm Animals. We don’t usually think about the fact, that Animals are a source of food, too. This holiday is designed to be an annual protest, against factory farms and slaughterhouses, especially those that treat the Animals cruelly. This also extends to abandoned and abused Animals anywhere in the world.   

Here is a fun facto for you a Cow is sacred in India. You cannot harm Cows or eat Cows.

Old McDonald Had a Farm is a perfect song to listen to today.

How to Celebrate World Farm Animals Day

  • We encourage you to participate in this holiday, by showing your support for the fair treatment of all Animals.
  • Visit a working farm today, to see farm Animals in their normal environment. A bonus is to visit a farm where there’s a petting zoo and you can feed the Animals, too.

Related Holidays

National Farm Animals Day– similar, but larger in scope

History and Origin of World Farm Animals Day

National Farm Animals Day was created as an annual event in 1985. Which was launched as an international campaign by “Farm Animal Rights Movement (Farm), a non-profit organization.

National Farm Animals Day has been held annually ever since.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates