Taste of Home Cooking for Two Cookbook Ez-Read

The Mommies Reviews

Mother in laws can be so funny at time. Especially David’s mom who is one of my best friends. I love her to pieces even though I miss my mom like crazy Granny Sherry is there when I need someone to talk to. Now that it is just her and dad at home she is having trouble cooking.

I keep hearing Sherry say its so hard to cook for just two people. I was going through the Cookbooks Granny Sherry gave Charlie to use in his Homeschool Cooking Class. I came across Taste of Home Cooking for Two Cookbook Ez-Read.

I couldn’t figure out what Granny Sherry didn’t keep this Cookbook to use to make new meals for her and PA ie David St. Since Charlie and I have the Cookbook were going to browse through it and fix a couple recipes for them to try.

When Sherry ask how to make those dishes Charlie is going to give her the Cookbook back. I hope she uses it and doesn’t just sit it on a shelf to collect dust. Because there is three people in my home and David and Charlie don’t always eat the meals that are fixed.

If we use this Cookbook we can cut down on the foods were preparing which will keep us from having Left Overs that usually aren’t eaten. As well as helping us cut down on our Grocery Bill which would be a Godsend.

If you will excuse Charlie and I were going to browse through the Cookbooks and pick out recipes for next week. Then write out our grocery list so we know what we need to pick up at the store. I just PRAY Charlie and David stick to the grocery list this week.

As for Roast and Pork Chops I have several packages of them in the Freezer and plan on making Hearty Style Meat Pie which should be like a Beef Pot Pie. Doesn’t that sound yummy? Would you like to join us for dinner as were also having a Salad and Ice Tea to drink.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates