The Mommies Reviews

Oil and natural gas are naturally occurring resources that must be drilled from the deep interiors of the earth. Oil and natural gas are energy sources that power industries across all sectors. Apart from their basic utility as a source of energy, these industries produce several other valuable by-products. The by-products include naphtha, which is used extensively in the fertilizer industry. Another by-product is paraffin wax used to make skin softening cream and jellies.

The smooth functioning of the oil and natural gas industry is crucial for the proper functioning of many other downstream industries. It is for this reason that countries across the world try to tap oil and gas. Once sources of oil and gas have been found, the economic prosperity of a nation increases manifolds.

The Equipment That The Oil And Gas Industry Needs To Function Properly

Different Types Of Valves

Valves are devices that regulate either start, stop or control the amount of fluid that can flow through a pipe. The oil and natural gas industry use different types of valves for varied functions. For instance, they used ball valves, check valves, butterfly valves, etc.

These industries also used specialized valves like a ball valve floating type. A floating type of ball valve has one end of the ball attached to the main body of the valve. The other end, however, floats in the body of the valve. This arrangement allows these valves to prevent overfilling of vessels etc.

 Likewise, this industry uses valves that are used to remove impurities and increase the quality of a product. The type of valve that is used depends on many factors like the sealing required etc.

Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are used in many industries to transfer heat between fluids. Based on the specific use, there can be different types of heat exchangers. Two commonly used types are double pipe and plate heat exchangers. These exchangers can be classified based on the direction of flow of fluids with respect to each other.

In industries where large amounts of liquids are handled regularly, heat exchange helps maintain requisite temperatures. Copper is the most commonly used material for manufacturing these heat exchangers. Apart from copper, metals like titanium are also frequently used to manufacture heat exchangers.

Washers And Pumps

Washers are simple disk-shaped equipment that makes it easier to use a nut and a bolt. Pumps are machines that use energy to move fluids or solids against gravity or the direction of their natural flow. Pumps and washers are simple machines of different types like rotary-type pumps used in the oil industry.

Though these machines are simple, they perform crucial tasks in the industry. Just like a medical molding company guarantees high levels of precision for their devices, these pumps and washers also need high precision. High precision is required because if there is a minor error in the functioning of these machines, it can lead to severe industrial accidents.


Compressors are devices that decrease the volume of fluid to increase their pressure. These devices work based on the laws of physics and have varied use in industry. Most people might have heard of a compressor when the air condition of their car malfunctions. A car part manufacturer would be able to tell exactly how a compressor functions.

There is not much difference between a compressor used in cars and those used in industry. The compressor used in car air conditions is pretty simple and small. On the other hand, the compressors that are used in the oil industry are relatively complex and gigantic in size. Compressors that are frequently used in industry can be of two types. One type is a rotary, and the other is a reciprocating compressor.

In industry, compressors are used to increase the pressure in mines several thousand feet below the earth’s surface. Likewise, compressors regulate the flow of gasses in pipelines to various downstream industries. Compressors can also be used to manufacture by-products of the oil and gas industry like ammonia, urea, etc.

Thus, compressors are used at all stages of the oil and gas industry. They are used to procure the raw materials using the drilling process in deep mines to the downstream industries like urea and ammonia manufacture.



The demand for oil, gas or several valuable by-products from this industry will not dwindle soon. This industry is working hard to improve the efficiency of the entire refining and processing stages. Manufacturing better equipment and incorporating them into the workflow are crucial to improving overall efficiencies.

Thus, in the future, people can expect to see more precise and efficient heat exchangers, compressors, etc. Not only the giant machines but even the small parts will become highly efficient, improving the profit margins of this crucial industry.