Food Holidays: September 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: September 18th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I think we will run out to Walmart and pick up Play-Dough for National Play-Dough Day which we can use in Charlie’s Homeschool Art Class to create projects based on Charlie’s Art lessons. Would you like to join us in our Art Class or we can make Food for Charlie’s cooking class.

National Play-Dough Day

National Play-Doh Day is celebrated on September 16th every year. This holiday is dedicated to everyone’s favorite childhood plaything — Play-Doh! Calling all of Play-Doh’s former and current enthusiasts to remember the yellow box of vibrant, squishy fun called Play-Dough.

History of National Play-Doh Day

Did you know Play-Doh is one of the most popular and widely used children’s playthings in the world. However, Play-Doh wasn’t originally meant to be for children. Did you know Play-Doh was supposed to be a wallpaper cleaner!

The creation of Play-Doh started back in 1933 when Cleo McVicker and his brother Noah developed a non-toxic, malleable formula for wallpaper cleaner for Kutol Products in Cincinnati, Ohio. After World War II, many houses converted to oil and gas-based furnaces, eliminating the need for wallpaper cleaners. When Cleo McVicker passed away, his son Joseph took over and struggled to keep the business afloat as the demand kept plummeting.

It was in 1955 that Kay Zufall, a school teacher, and McVicker’s sister-in-law, suggested marketing and selling the product as arts and crafts and playthings. She showed him the art created by her students by molding this clay and convinced him to sell the product through a new lens. McVicker began selling Play-Doh to elementary kids under the name of Rainbow Crafts Company Inc., a subsidiary of Kutol Products.

What made Play-Doh an overnight sensation, though, was the fact that Bob Keeshan also known as Captain Kangaroo, showcased the product on the most popular children’s television show once a week. Sales skyrocketed for Play-Doh turning Play-Doh into a household name and the rest is history! What started as a simple wallpaper cleaner now came in multiple colors with its own accessories and was soon acquired by Hasbro, which sells Play-Doh to this day.

History of National Play-Doh Day

Play-Doh is a modeling compound used by children for art and craft projects at home and in school. Play-Doh is composed of Flour, Water, Salt, Boric Acid, and Silicone Oil, the product was first manufactured in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s.

] When a classroom of children began using the wallpaper cleaner as a modeling compound, the product was reworked and marketed to Cincinnati schools in the mid-1950s. Play-Doh was demonstrated at an educational convention in 1956 and prominent department stores opened retail accounts. Since its launch on the toy market in the mid-1950s, Play-Doh has generated a considerable amount of additional merchandise such as The Fun Factory. In 2003, the Toy Industry Association named Play-Doh to its “Century of Toys List”.

Not a food?  Think again!  It’s all in how you make it.  Everyone seems to have a favorite playdough recipe. Some recipes require cooking and some don’t; some are meant to be eaten and some are not. Choose the recipe that best suits your needs and the ingredients you have on hand. Store Playdough in a covered container or Ziploc bag. If it sweats a little, just add more Flour. For sensory variety, use Playdough warm or cool as well as at room temperature.

National Cheeseburger Day falls on September 18, 2020.

Have faith America. National Cheeseburger Day falls on September 18th. Which means there’s a free or discounted Cheeseburger waiting for you somewhere in this Nation. Prepare to enjoy an American food icon the Hamburger oozing warm Cheesy deliciousness on top of a moist, juicy Patty. No matter how refined your palate might be, a good, old-fashioned Cheeseburger seems to satisfy everyone’s taste buds!

History of National Cheeseburger Day

We have Lionel Sternberger to thank for his invention of gastronomic genius. Sternberger who certainly had the perfect name for the job.

Anyway, Lionel was 16 years old in 1926, flipping Burgers inside his dad’s Sandwich shop, the “Rite Spot,” in Pasadena, California.  But, here’s where things get interesting. Consistent with most how-it-got-started stories, there are two versions. In one, Lionel, out of curiosity, added a piece of American Cheese onto a Hamburger frying on the griddle.  In version two, a homeless passerby saw Lionel working those Burgers and suggested adding Cheese. Either way, the rest is mouth-watering, delicious history.

Whether you grill your own Hamburgers today or caravan with your crew to everybody’s favorite Hamburger joint,  go hog-wild eating as many toasted, Cheeseburgers as your tummy can hold. Thank Lionel because without him we wouldn’t be eating Cheeseburgers.

One of the great things about National Cheeseburger Day is that there are always plenty of deals if you take the time to search for them. We’ve searched the web so you don’t have to.

Here are today’s five thing to know about Cheeseburger:

  • Did you know the oldest fast food restaurant in the world is the White Castle franchise, which opened in 1921.
  • People of America eat more Hamburgers out at restaurants or on the go than they do at home.
  • The largest Hamburger ever created was over 8,000 pounds and was cooked for a Burger festival in Wisconsin.
  • The Hamburger in its current form, with Ground Beef and a Bun, is a decidedly an American creation.
  • Hamburgers are made of Beef, not Ham, and there is much debate over whether they actually originated in Hamburg.

National Cheeseburger Day Traditions

The only tradition you need to follow on National Cheeseburger Day is to eat a Cheeseburger or a couple today. It’s also worth keeping an eye out to see what the food marketing guys have planned as you can often get discounts on your Hamburger today.

National Cheeseburger Day Activities

  1. Today is the day you build the craziest, meltiest and most out-of-this-world Cheeseburger! Take your time selecting only the freshest ingredients. Which applies to whether your Cheeseburger is made from Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Oork, Turkey or Tofu for the health conscious. When you’re done barbecuing, flipping, grilling and frying, the Cheeseburger will be tasty.
  2. Cheeseburgers taste good when you’re alone but Cheeseburgers can taste so much better among friends. Nobody’s mad when they’re eating a Cheeseburger. Enemies become friends and friends just love you more for inviting them to the feast. Cheeseburgers bringing world peace? I believe it could happen.
  3. What’s your favorite Cheeseburger restaurant? Whataburger? Or maybe the old standbys, like McDonalds and Burger King are tailor-made just for you. Whatever. The task on National Cheeseburger Day is to enjoy a finely-crafted Cheeseburger and feel oh so good for the rest of the day!

Why We Love National Cheeseburger Day

  1. National Cheeseburger Day creates an excuse to be a glutton for just one glorious day because there are so many different kinds of Cheeseburgers to choose. You can have one, two or three patties topped with your favorite Cheese like, American, or Brie. Pile on Bacon, slivers of Mushroom or add a fried Egg to your Cheeseburger. Did you know there’s even a Cheeseburger squeezed in between two Doughnuts instead of Buns
  2. Did you know Americans eat an average of six Hamburgers per day according to a report by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. Throw Cheese on those Burgers and the figure is probably a whole lot higher!
  3. While working at your desk today is the day to chow down on a Cheeseburger. Have errands to run? Stop for a Cheeseburger. When you get that undeniable craving for something hearty but really good to eat the Cheeseburger always hits the spot because it’s quick, easy, sloppy fun!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates