Unique Holidays: September 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: September 18th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. I would like to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day with David and Charlie. Then hang out with my girlfriends as we celebrate National Women’s Friendship Day while David tells me how special I am for Wife Appreciation Day.

National Cheeseburger Day – always observed on September 18th

National Cheeseburger Day is today. Top off America’s favorite Sandwich, with a piece of Cheese. The food industry makes it a point to celebrate a wide variety of foods and we believe the Cheeseburgers earns a special holiday.

Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day by firing up the grill, and cooking Cheeseburgers. You can do so for lunch or dinner or both! Any kind of Cheese will do. Try a different Cheese, if you’re adventuresome. For the carb conscious, eat your Cheeseburgers without the buns.

Restaurants should host luncheon and dinner specials today. Tops on the specials board certainly should be Cheeseburgers!

Cheeseburger Trivia

  • Cheeseburgers were invented in 1924 in Pasadena, CA.
  • The Black Bear Casino in Minnesota holds the record for the world’s largest Hamburger at 2,014 pounds. This Hamburger had Bacon and Cheese on it.
  • They were first called “Cheese Hamburgers”.
  • The name”Cheeseburger” was coined in Louisville, KY.
  • American Cheese is by far the most popular on a Hamburger.
  • A single Patty has 350 calories.

History and Origin of National Cheeseburger Day

This holiday was established in 2012 but we found no other factual information about this holiday. There was some reference to the American Dairy Association sponsoring this holiday which we have yet to find substantial evidence to confirm this.

There is no known documentation confirming this to be a “National” Holiday. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

National Women’s Friendship Day – third Sunday in September

National Women’s Friendship Day is a great day for us ladies. Women make friends very easily. However, their busy lifestyles often keep them from making new friends. Today encourages women to make new friends.  National Women’s Friendship Day is a great day to be a woman. The objective of National Women’s Friendship Day is to promote special friendships among women.

How to Celebrate National Women’s Friendship Day

  • Promote friendship between and among women
  • Hold and/or attend a breakfast, luncheon, or dinner with a women’s group
  • Visit your women friends
  • If any of your friends are out of town, send an Ecard or make a call to them

History and Origin of How to Celebrate Women’s Friendship Day

National Women’s Friendship Day was created by women, and this holiday is for women. The Kappa Delta Sorority created this very special holiday in 1999. This sorority, founded in 1897 in Farmville, Va., has over 180,000 members.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. The Governors of dozens of States have issued proclamations in support of Women’s Friendship on this day.

Wife Appreciation Day – third Sunday in September

The objective of Wife Appreciation Day is for wives without children to receive appreciation from their husbands. Mother’s Day is for wives with children. Today is an opportunity for husbands in a childless marriage, to recognize the value of their wives. Let her know how important she is to you, and how much she is appreciated. Wife Appreciation Day is a day that she truly deserves.

It should be very easy to show appreciation to your wife, for who she is, and for all the great things she does for you. You know your wives well, and her likes and dislikes. Begin the day by telling her that she is appreciated. Give her a few examples of why. Then, select a couple of things she likes or likes to do, and make it happen. Giving your wife a gift is perfectly okay, but it is not a requirement.

While this holiday was originally intended to honor wives in a childless marriage, we encourage all husbands to show appreciation for their wives on this holiday. Showing your appreciation today is a basic ingredient for a long and happy marriage. As the old saying goes: “Happy wife, happy life.”

Gentlemen, you will get your day, too. It’s in April when we celebrate Husband Appreciation Day

How to Celebrate Wife Appreciation Day

  • Buy her flowers.
  • Send her a card.
  • Take her to dinner.
  • Make dinner at home. You do the dishes, too.
  • Tell her how much you appreciate her.

History and Origin of How to Celebrate Wife Appreciation Day

Our research did not identify the creator of this Wife Appreciation Day. From what documentation we have seen, the assumption is that this holiday was created by a childless husband or wife.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates