Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: July 16th, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today. Then let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for me I will celebrate Fresh Spinach Day and have a Salad and let Charlie and David celebrate Snake Day while I stay inside because I am afraid of Snakes of all kinds. Are you or do you like Snakes?

Fresh Spinach Day gives us the opportunity to put healthier food into our diets.
Did you know Popeye the Sailor is right Spinach is one of the healthiest foods you can eat and Spinach tastes good, and there lots of recipes you can find online or in cookbooks to use with Spinach. Many people turn up their nose to Spinach including Charlie, without even trying Spinach.
The reason for eating fresh Spinach, is the nutritional value is highest, when Spinach is fresh and uncooked.
Celebrate this holiday by introducing fresh Spinach to our meals today. If your not sure were to start you couldmix Spinach into a Garden Salad. Did you know your family may not even notice you’ve added Spinach, but by doing so, you are making your family healthier!
Gardeners know that Spinach is easy to grow and Spinach is hardy. You can plant Spinach as soon as the ground can be worked in the Spring. Which in many parts of the Country is today.
There is another day that we celebrate Spinach which is National Spinach Day. This holiday is celebrated on March 26th. We think it is great that there are two days to celebrate Spinach encouraging people to eat healthier.
If you are one of the ones who drink V-8 Vegetable Juice did you know V-8 is not just Tomato Juice it includes 8 Vegetables and one of the Vegetables is Spinach.
History and Origin of Fresh Spinach Day:
We have not yet found the originator of this holiday, or any historical reference to when Fresh Spinach Day was started.
Did you know Snakes have been around since the Garden of Ede making it fitting, that the world has a holiday to celebrate Snakes.
The Bible tells us that in the Garden of Eden, Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a Snake. That connection to Satan, gave Snakes a bad reputation since the beginning of time. Perhaps that’s why so many people including myself are afraid of Snakes.
Did You Know Earthworms were once believed to be a species of Snakes causing Gardeners to kill every Earthworm they found, unaware of the effect of Earthworms in Gardens.
Snaky Trivia:
There are over 3400 species of Snakes.
Snakes are on every continent, except Antarctica which is where my Uncle Chuck and I should live because we hate hate hate Snacks and no, hate isn’t nice but I hate Snacks.
I’m sure you know Snakes will eat Insects, Rodents sometimes Frogs but did you know large Snakes can even eat small Animals including small Deer, Pigs, Monkeys, and small Dogs. Now, you know why we keep our Dogs inside most of the time. Do you?
Snakes swallow their food whole.
The longest Snakes are a species of Python, which can reach 30 feet in length.
The heaviest Snake, is an Anaconda which weighed 550 pounds.
The smallest Snake is just 4 inches long.
Snakes shed their skin 3-6 times per year.
The History and Origin of World Snake Day:
We have not yet found the originator of this holiday. but the key historical reference for World Snake Day is Day 6 of Creation, when God created Adam and Eve because a Snake tempted Eve into eating the forbidden Fruit which we all know was a Apple.
Based on this historical event, we believe that Adam and Eve created World Snake Day! Don’t you believe that as well?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates