9 Stress Easing Activities For Busy Moms To Try During Their Me-Time

The Mommies Reviews

Any mom will know that me-time is hard to come by, and when you get the opportunity, you have to make the most of it. Working your me-time into your schedule can be an excellent way to ensure you get at least a little each week. What you do during your alone time is entirely down to you, but working some stress-relieving activities into your me-time can be an excellent choice.

The method of stress relief you choose will often vary. You might want to hit the gym to work out some energy one day or relax in the tub the next. Keeping your stress-busting activities varied can help ensure that they remain effective.

Bookend The Day With Meditation

Meditation is a wonderful way to ease stress, and starting and ending your day with it can help you get the most out of practice. Meditating first thing in the morning will ensure you start the day on the right foot and feel energised and ready to handle what the day brings. Meditating just before bed can be the perfect way to get your mind ready for rest and relaxation.

Break Some Plates

Though preferably not the ones from your own cupboards! There are businesses popping up that provide you with a safe place and tools to smash up a wide range of things, from plates to electronics. Being destructive in a controlled environment can be an excellent way to relieve stress in the short term.

You don’t necessarily need to pay for the pleasure of smashing some things either. If you have some old crockery that isn’t of good enough quality to sell or give away, you could do your own plate smashing in your garden. Ensure the kids are away from the area and use safety goggles to protect your eyes. You could even use the broken shards in your next crafting project.

Go Outside

Getting outside to soak in some vitamin D can be an excellent and quick way to relieve stress. You could consider going for a quick walk in a local park or taking the kids for a day out at a nearby natural beauty spot. If you’re short on time, you could take five minutes to sit outdoors in your garden or balcony.

Tend To Your Garden

Plants and greenery can have an incredible impact on our moods and wellbeing. Spending some time nurturing and growing plants and flowers can be an excellent way to relax and get a sense of achievement from watching them thrive. If you don’t have a garden, you can get the same benefits by tending some houseplants and building an indoor garden.

Try Your Luck At An Online Casino

Playing games is known to help reduce stress, and some casino games like slots are ideal for beginners. There are also some excellent online casinos that let you recreate the fun and excitement of a brick-and-mortar casino from the comfort of your own home. You could try these slot games from Play Live Casino to get you started. Always be cautious if putting money on a game, and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Test Out Some DIY Beauty Treatments

There are beauty treatments you can make using common ingredients found in most kitchens. Things

like honey and olive oil are perfect for moisturising skin, and sugar or coffee grounds can make an effective natural exfoliator. You can even use mayonnaise as a hair mask to reduce frizz and leave your hair looking lush.

Talk Things Out With Other Parents

Talking about our stresses can be an excellent way to overcome them. You can often find the best advice and solidarity from people who are experiencing the same things as you are. Consider reaching out to friends who have children of their own and arrange a lunch date to talk about the challenges you both face. If you don’t have any friends with kids, consider looking for a local mom and baby group to connect with moms in your area.

Get Your Blood Pumping

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress and boost mental wellbeing, and there are countless options to try out. Kickboxing can be a fantastic way to get in shape while venting some frustrations. If you prefer something a little more relaxation-focused, you could try out yoga. It may help to try out a few different exercise videos online to find the one that suits you best.

Take A Long Soak In The Bathtub

Having a bath is seen as the ultimate way to relax, and with good reason. The hot water helps to relax the body, easing away the stresses of the day. You could consider adding some soothing essential oils to add some aromatherapy to your soak in the tub and playing some relaxing music to set the mood.