BLUELAND Hand Soap Starter Set

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to introduce you to BLUELAND Hand Soap Starter Set – 1 Refillable Glass Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser + 4 Tablets Refills from @StackInfluence and @blueland in exchange for this review.

I have hand soap in every room of our home that has a sink because it’s easier for the kids to use when coming in from outside to use when washing their hands. The downfall is I keep having to purchase new bottles every time we run out. Because there is no, way to refill the containers we purchase hand soap costing us money I don’t need to be spending.

Now that I had the opportunity to try BLUELAND Hand Soap Starter Set I will be able to save money and take our own hand soap when traveling and not worry about Charlie or I am using the soaps in the restroom that can trigger headaches from the scents.

If you have children who have their own restroom and they run out of hand soap, they can fix this on there own. Just ask them to be careful as its in a glass bottle that can shatter if being dropped. Also, you drop the tablet into hot water which may burn them if they stick there hand in the water.

All it takes is two steps fill the book with 9 oz of water and drop in Iris Agave scent tablet. which comes with the starter set. Just remember when you use the first tablet to order refills, so you never run out. Allowing you to always have the hand soap on hand.

There are enough packs of the soaps to make 4 bottles. I like how it’s a foaming soap so you will use less than other soaps I’ve purchased in the past. As long as you take care of the bottle you will always have it on hand and can use this forever saving you money.

I also liked knowing the refills are packed in compostable paper-based packaging. They only use clean ingredients without harmful ingredients being used in the soap. Charlie was the most excited to find out BlueLand is safe for pets and animals. David liked learning they carry Eco Friendly Products & Cleaning Supplies.

@blueland #blueland #bluelandpartner

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates