Unique Holidays: April 2nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Did you know today is April Fool’s Day but there is other Holidays being celebrated as well. Which is why I wanted to share our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2nd, 2022. It’s International Children’s Book Day and I think I will go by Half Price Books and look for a new book for not only Charlie but myself as well. Would you like to come with me?

Children’s Book Day

Image result for Children's Book Day

The Holiday International Children’s Book Day encourages reading, promoting the love of books for children. The fastest way to develop our young children into intelligent human beings is by teaching them to read. Did you know instilling a love of reading promotes a lifetime of learning and enjoyment.

Libraries celebrate today with storytelling hours and events for young children. You can celebrate Children’s Books Day by giving a new book to your kids. If they are too young to read, spend time reading stories to them which is a great bonding time for you and your child.

History and Origin of “International Children’s Book Day”:

The International Board on Books for Youth designated April 2and as International Children’s Book Day. The Holiday marks the birthday of Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen (1805).

National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

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National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebrates the beloved “PB and J” sandwich.PB&J is the favorite lunchtime sandwich of American kids, and adults, too. Some kids practically live on Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.

March 1st is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and September 13 is National Peanut Day

I have a question for you. How should we slice our Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, or Ant sandwich for that matter? It’s an ageless debate. Do you slice a sandwich diagonally to form two triangles, or do you slice it across the middle, resulting in two rectangular halves? Either way, we will make half of you upset. Let’s cut to the chase the right way to slice your sandwich, is the way mom did it when you were a kid.

Ramadan – begins at sundown, date varies

Ramadan Kids

 Ramadan begins at sundown on April 12, 2021; April 2, 2022; March 23, 2023; March 11, 2024; March 1, 2025; February 18, 2026

Ramadan is a time of fasting, worship, and renewal of family ties. Fasting lasts the entire month and Muslims cannot eat during daylight hours. Fasting is done to show devotion to God. On the last day of Ramadan, it ends with the sighting of the moon.People in high rise apartments have the advantage, as they see the moon first.

Reconciliation Day

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Reconciliation Day is a Holiday to patch relationships and make amends. Reconciliation Day intention is to re-establish relationships between family, friends and couples. Life is too short to hold a grudge between those we love.

Estranged couples may find today to be an opportunity to work out their problems. People who have had a “falling out” with family members are encouraged to reach out and “mend the fence”.

For those considering a reconciliation, the old saying is “It’s never too late”. That is not true. Someday, it could be too late. Use today to begin your reconciliation.

History and Origin of “Reconciliation Day”:

Since 1989, newspaper columnist Ann Landers has promoted April 2nd as Reconciliation Day. Ann Landers writes an annual article dedicated to this Holiday. Ann Landers posts and replies to readers’ questions on reconciliation.

There are many other “Relationship Days” held around the world on different dates. Among the Countries are South Africa, and many others that have struggled with War or strife.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates