I was allowed to pick out the purse I wanted to chose and I piked out Joanne Grey Convertible Backpack which comes in black, grey and blue. I picked the backpack out in black because Joanne Grey Convertible Backpack would go with anything I was wearing. I will also be hosting a giveaway for one Joanne Grey Convertible Backpack.
The more I am on their website the more I like the grey backpack. I wish I had chosen the grey backpack because it’s different from any other backpack I have ever had and this new backpack is something people would expect me to pick out. If you would really like to be different then I suggest you check out the backpack in blue.
The blue backpack is the one Charlie liked a lot. Charlie let me know if he had the choice he would have chosen the backpack in blue. Once Charlie was done looking I showed David all three of the backpacks. David say he would have chosen the backpack in blue as well. Being a mom and wife I should have none that shouldn’t I?
I also liked the blue backpack as it really pops and catches your eye and the blue would make anything I wear shine and stand out. I know anyone who saw the backpack would like this one as much as my family did. I just felt more comfortable with the black one on because black is all I wear. This backpack makes my outfits stand out and I don’t draw attention to myself when I am out and about.
Be watching as we will be setting up the Giveaway soon and you just might win the Joanne Convertible Backpack for yourself or someone you love. If you do enter and win would you keep the backpack or would you give it to someone you love? If so who would you give the backpack to and why?
Also, be watching because after Christmas I will be posting a review on my backpack and what all I thought about the backpack and one thing I can tell you right now is I am going to have to be very careful or my mother n law might take my backpack as she has been seeing me post pictures and is wanting this backpack for herself. But this time I am going to be stingy and I am keeping Joanne Convertible Backpack as I love the backpack and I need the backpack for work.
How do you Enter to WIN this bag, you ask?
Here’s the Entry form—>
I would LOVEEEEE this bag! Hope to WIN!
Yes I carry everything but the Kitchen Sink in your bag.
I tend to carry my wallet, my phone, books and yarn. Yes, I carry a lot.
I try to remember to clean my purse out every couple of weeks. I just get too much clutter in there at times and it drives me crazy.
I used to carry everything but the kitchen sink, but now I carry a more reasonable size bag. The grandma in me wants to be able to be ready for anything.
Yes I do I think I may have the kitchen sink in there somewhere too
Having three kids, I have almost the kitchen sink in my bag!!
I do carry a lot of stuff.
Yes I do carry everything in my bag but what I need. Lol, I never can find what I am looking for at the moment but the next time I need something else I find what I needed the time before. thanks for this giveaway.
Yes, and when I clean it out I keep so much that I wonder why I bothered calling it “cleaning” it out. Their bags are also gorgeous and colorful, anyone would love to have one. Thanks for sharing!
The kitchen sink and more! I try to be prepared for anything! Love this bag too!
Yes I carry everything
I carry my life in my handbag!!
Yes I carry everything but the kitchen sink in my bag and my husband hates it, he’s always complaning that I have way too much stuff in my bag that I don’t need but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because I need everything in my bag.
I do carry quite a lot since I have a 4 yr old. Snacks, extra clothes, first aid kit. I got it all.
Yes, with 5 kids it seems like I have everything in my purse
Yes, I carry everything! You’ll never know when you might need something!
Yes, I carry a lot in my bag.
I do sometimes lol
Oh yeah, I carry just about everything in my purse
I carry EVERYTHING! My bag has to double as a diaper bag lol
everything under the sun! ugg, I hate cleaning it sometimes for that reason :/
It sure seems like it! Ha! I know I have my wallet and my coupon keeper – those two weigh a lot, and I actually wish my wallet would be heavier!
Yes everything and then some.
There used to be a shoow called Lets Make a Deal where att the end of the show they would ask people if they were carrrying unusual itemss. Put it this way, I crry moree junk in my purrse ffor others that you name it, it is likely in there!
Yes, and even more is stored in my purse!
My bag is always stuffed full of makeup ,papers and keys.
Yes! I also have three kiddos so I’m constantly throwing their stuff in there too!
I actually don’t. But I do seem to collect kids items and papers like receipts and such
My bag is ridiculously heavy because I do!
I always have a ton in my bag, I don’t even know how it happens lol!
Yes, I carry way too much stuff in my bag that I can’t seem to leave home without!
No I do not carry everything in my bag. I am very selective about what goes into my handbag.
Yes! I definitely do. I always find the weirdest things when I’m cleaning out my purses.
Geesh, are you kidding me?!? I use a big purse to double as a purse/diaper bag with stuff for a baby and a toddler!! I have a BIG purse with a load of stuff! Teddy Graham, anyone? Bottle of milk?
Yes! I use it for a purse, diaper bag, mail bag….. EVERYTHING!
I carry the minimal amount.
yes i usually do
My bag is usually full of things for my daughter, things my husband doesn’t want in his pockets and coupons and store cards.
Definitely! I’ve been known to empty out everything just to find my credit card or a pen!
Yes I do. I have 3 kids.
Yes I carry everything but the kitchen sink! (Or do I carry the Sink? You never know)
No, I had to take the kitchen sink out to make room for the bathroom counter…
yes, my girlfriend does.
I carry everything I need to survive the day and teenagers!
yes, I do
No, I have a very small purse and I keep its contents minimal.
No. I have a small-ish purse and it has the essentials.
I carry tons of stuff!!!
I do seem to carry everything in my purse! It’s nice when you need something and have it with you, but it makes my purse hard to go through and heavy! I need to start organizing better lol.
I like this bag.
Yes, I carry everything in my purse. It weighs a ton
haha yes I do! My purse is large and full of random things!
Yes, I carry my life in my bag and my daughter makes fun of me for it. However, I sure could win Let’s Make A Deal!
YES!! am I going to be arrested for this LOLL
wink wink
I carry way too much in my bag!!
Almost. As a Type 1 diabetic, I kind of have to.
Yes, doesn’t everyone
I currently don’t carry much in my purse, because it’s too small. I need a bigger one.
Not only do I carry everything that will fit in my bag- but my kids/hubby are constantly handing me things “Can you hold/carry this?” Yeah. Always.
I don’t carry much anymore. I think it’s because my youngest daughter is 17 and she carries her own purse.
It depends on where we are going.
Pretty much, At this point it might as well be a garbage bag I carry around, there’s a little bit of everything in there lol
Always have to be prepared so take everything
yes!!ALWAYS carry everything but the Kitchen Sink in MY bag.LOL
How did you know? I DO carry everything but the kichen sink in my bag!!!
With a 9 month old and a 7 year old, I DO carry everything but the kitchen sink!! My diaper bag is literally ripping at the seams!
Let’s see. I currently have a pack of band aides, essential oils, multi-tool, flashlight, mints, pens, paper, kindle, wallet, inhaler, sharpie, receipts, discreet feminine pouch, and a mini phone charger. That’s about normal for the purse. The backpack is a whole ‘nother story.
Sometimes it sure feels that way. those receipts and kleenex sure add up fast.
Love the bag so much.
I’ve got the magical mom bag, yes
I tend to be pretty well-prepared.
Definitely! I have kids, diapers, drink cups, gum/snacks, makeup, wallet, phone, smell good stuffs, it’s endless what I carry in there! I haven’t bought a new carry all bag in YEARS. It’s about time I get a new one!
Yes I carry everything in my purse it’s crazy
I do, it used to be all stuff for me, now it’s all kid stuff.
I think I even do have the kitchen sink in my bag!
Yes! With the diaper bag and my school bag combined, it pretty much has everything.
I do carry EVERYTHING in my bag and I STILL can’t find what I need when I reach in to get it!!
I carry everything. My daughter puts her stuff in there too.
YES, I carry everything imaginable and I have the nerve to get angry when I can’t find anything!
My baby needs this. My cargo pockets are her normal purse.
yes I carry everything the bigger the bag the more I can carry
I carry so many things in my purse. I might need them!! I feel naked if I don’t take my purse with me everywhere.
I usually just take the essentials.
I used to carry everything with me, but once I was for sure done with diaper bags I turned to only carrying basics with me.
I bring a few essentials for myself, but not too much!
It does seem, that yes, I fill up a bag according to its size.
I carry all the mom gadgets and tricks in my purse.
yes im always prepared pretty well
Yes, I do carry tons of stuff in my bag but try to keep it organized!! (TRY… key word haha)
Yes! Pretty much.. My mother is always giving me a hard time about carrying too much!
My mommy bag always tips the scale, I’m horrible! I pack everything I need, then think of every dcenario under the sun, and make sure I’m prepared for that too! Lol
Yes, I carry a tote bag that weighs 14 pounds! If you need it, or if you don’t need it, I have it in my bag.
My bag is pretty heavy with 2 kids its hard not to carry everything.
I only had one and it was still that way. So I can not imagine how
it would be with 2 children and I do not think I want to find out.
Yes! I carry lots of things, especially having an infant! You never know what you’ll find!
That is the way it was when Charlie was a baby.
I thought as the kids got older I’d be cramming less in my bag. I was wrong.
No, I think it gets worse as the toys get bigger and
take up more room and also get heaver.
yes, I absolutely do that!
I can relate to that.
Yup as a working momma of two I need a little bit of everything in there to ensure a successful outing!
Yes, we do and I tell my son who is now 8 to gather his things and something
to carry them in and it never works because before we get back home from our
errands I always end up with pockets full of things he wants me to carry.
What a gorgeous bag! I’d LOVE to WIN !
I love the one I have. And I wish you the best of luck
in the contest as I am sure you will like it as much
as I liked mine.