Unique Holidays: March 9, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

We have some interesting Unique Holidays to share today. Let’s get to it…

Barbie Day– always held on March 9th.

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Ladies young and not so young did you know today is Barbie Day? Wildly popular, playing with fashionable Barbie dolls has never been out of fashion. Most girls grew up with Barbie dolls, using their imagination and a wealth of outfits and accessories to envision Barbie in all sorts of places. Barbie dolls offer girls the opportunity to use their creativity to imagine themselves doing all the things their Barbie dolls do.

Barbie dolls have been around for several decades and they have a broad and successful history. Ruth Handler, co-founder of Mattel, Inc. realized that girls needed something more than baby dolls and paper dolls. As a result, Ruth Handler designed the Barbie doll. Mattel, Inc. mass produced the Barbie doll. On March 9, 1959, Barbie was introduced at the American International Toy Fair in New York. barbie was an immediate hit with young girls. Barbie enjoyed the “Singles Scene” for two years but in 1961, the Ken doll arrived. Needless to say, Ken swept Barbie off her feet. Barbie and Ken have enjoyed a long and fantastic romance, doing all sorts of things together. But to this day, Ken has yet to put a ring on Barbies finger. However, if Ken were to ask, is Barbie ready for Marriage. Only time will tell if Ken proposes. Over the years, Mattel, Inc. has introduced an immense array of outfits, accessories, toys and play sets to complement any and every girl’s imagination. Over the years a sizable number of Barbie’s friends and family have come on the scene thanks to Mattel.

History and Origin of “Barbie Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday which appreared to have been created around 2018. The date was selected, as Barbie dolls made their debut on March 6th, 1959.

The ever-popular Barbie doll fully deserves this special Holiday and it is a little surprising that Barbie Day wasn’t created earlier than 2018.

 The earliest references to this Holiday called it “Barbie Day.” Only recently, a few websites have begun to call it a “National” Holiday, but we found no Presidential Proclamation or Act of Congress making this a true National Holiday.

Get Over It Day– always held on March 9th.

Image result for Get Over It Day

Is something bothering you, got you down, or stressing you out today? We all could use a little less stress and worry in our lives. If this sounds a like you right now, then today is just the day for you. It’s Get Over It Day, definitely one of those Unique Holidays. Time to kick those problems to the curb. Sometimes it’s more than a little difficult to get past a problem, and it may prove a challenge to move on. Whether something has been weighing you down or holding you back for a little while or a long time, today is intended to help you to get rid of the issue or problem and just get over it.

There are so many problems and negative things that can linger in our minds for a long time, and it could be almost anything: including the break-up of a romance or friendship. Problems at work, a personal loss, money problems, and or anything else that makes you worry or gets you down and depressed. Sometimes it’s a challenge to put persistent problems in the rear-view mirror. Life too short to be feeling sad or depressed. Don’t you think it’s time to just let go of those problems and get past them? Getting past things often requires some thought and reflection, but you can do it, and you can do it today.

Use today to get past it, whatever “it” is. You can do so publicly if necessary, or privately. You may need to take some time for quiet thought and personal reflection, or it make take some effort on your part, performing something so you can move on. Or it may be as simple as a mental recognition that it’s time to put the issue out of your mind. As you succeed in these endeavors today, you will be relieved and uplifted.

History and Origin of “Get Over It Day”:

This Holiday was created in 2005 by Jeff Goldblatt. Jeff is an entrepreneur, residing in Atlanta, Georgia. Goldblatt conceived this Holiday, as he was struggling to get over a romantic breakup. Jeff felt a special day was needed to “get over it”, a day which would help him and others.

The date of March 9th was chosen to celebrate Get Over It Day, as this date is strategically located between Valentine’s Day and April Fool’s Day.

There are several recent references to this being a “National” Holiday which is incorrect, as the creator calls it “Get Over It Day” on his website. We found no Presidential Proclamation or Act of Congress making this a National Holiday.

Panic Day– always held on March 9th.

Image result for Panic Day

Try to stay calm and take a deep breath because today is Panic Day. Can you handle today? Good, we were worried for a moment.

Hopefully, everything is going just swell in your life, and you have no need for this Holiday but, if problems or troubles are looming, try to hold off hitting the panic button until this Holiday arrives.

Don’t worry and don’t fret. and, above all, don’t panic. However, if ever there was a day to panic, today is that day.

As you get through this unsettling day, you have another day to worry about…….International Panic Day.

See our other Unique Holidays Posts here.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates