Welcome to our series sharing Homeschool Resources: Foreign Language, Colors and Singing. I would like to ask you to check out the websites below and let me know if you’ve used these resources with your students. Charlie and I were going to check out The Color: Free Online Coloring Pages- Amazing Assortment this morning for Charlie’s Art Class. Would you like to join us?

Rosetta Stone Homeschool Online

Designed with your child’s success in mind, Rosetta Stone Homeschool is an effective way to bring a foreign language curriculum home, providing long-term retention and a critical lifelong skill in today’s world.
The Color: Free Online Coloring Pages – Amazing Assortment

TheColor.com is a unique site for online coloring. They have over 1,000 images to color online without having to print. This is more online coloring pages than any other online coloring site.
TheColor.com helps kids learn color concepts, the names of 192 colors, eye-hand coordination, picture comprehension – these skills form the foundation for early learning success. Everyone can use the site as no java, flash or applet is necessary to load the pages. Kids can email the pictures they colored or save them or print them.
When you get to the site you will see some features in the center of the screen and a menu of coloring page topics on the left that includes:
- Aesops Fables
- Arabian Nights Tales
- Dinosaur
- Endangered Animals
- Fall
- Famous Faces
- Farm Animal
- Greek Mythology
- Grimm’s Fairy Tales
- Holidays
- Insect
- Movies
- Nursery Rhymes
- Occupations
- Sports
- Spring
- Summer
- Super Villains
- Superheroes
- Thanksgiving
- US President
- Winter
- and much, much more!
I really have never seen this many varieties on a coloring page website. Click on any one and a new page opens with the picture outline in black and white. You can color it online with the tools on the site or print it out and color the “old-fashioned” way.
Michael Land’s Singing Program
Michael Land’s Singing Program is a 12-week interactive program with over 50 vocal exercises and warm-ups designed to help develop tone, breath control, and pitch. Michael Land takes you through over 60 units focusing on the components one needs to become a better singer, regardless of current skill level.
Haringkids.com: Keith Haring Art Lessons for Kids –All grades, with parental supervision
This website, sponsored by the Keith Haring Foundation, is a tribute to the artist Keith Haring, whose bold, vibrant work appeals to kids of all ages. Haring loved children, and through this website the foundation continues to inspire and encourage the artist in everyone.
The site contains a wide array of Haring-inspired, free art lesson plans using different art mediums including crayons, paint, clay, photography, and much more. The lessons were submitted by teachers and students worldwide.
When you get to the site, you’ll see an introduction to the lesson plans. Use the horizontal menu (in black) at the top of the page to search by age/grade range that includes:
- Early Childhood – One of the lessons is called “Colorful Dogs” and teaches students how to identify basic shapes and colors while assembling paper dogs.
- Elementary 1 – Use these lessons to make holiday ornaments or paint a mural.
- Elementary 2 – Learn to use oil pastels while creating spontaneous art similar to the subway paintings done by Keith Haring in New York.
- Elementary 3 – Try your hand at “Drawing with Wire” and discover how to use mixed media such as wire, paper, and markers to create silhouette drawings.
- Middle School – Haring’s artwork contains social commentary. One of his most famous murals was called “Crack is Wack.” This section contains an explanation of the meaning of it, and instructions for creating a Haring-inspired mural. You’ll find other lessons as well.
- Above 14 – This section for older students also explores the messages in Haring’s work while providing lesson ideas for learning how to make clay portraits, animations, and mobiles.
I’ve focused on the HaringKids Lesson Plans for this review. There are many more interesting things to explore at the website. Parents, as always, should preview the content to determine suitability for their own children.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates