Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 29th, 2022. I don’t know about you, but I think I will go back to the Couch this morning because I’m freezing and if anyone calls me this morning, they can leave a message on the Answering Machine allowing me to celebrate National Inane Answering Machine Day.
National Inane Answering Message Day– always on January 30th.

Many people look at the title of this day and think what the heck is this Holiday and why? Some people think it’s a typo, and the day should read “National Insane Answering Message Day”. However, it actually and truly is “National Inane Answering Message Day”.
Let’s clarify the meaning of an “inane” answering message. We all get them on our answering machines. An inane message is a senseless or meaningless message, or a prank call. Or it could be an insane message.
National Inane Answering Message Day is a day to end those, annoying inane answering machine messages. Trouble is, how do you do that? In todays, world, caller Id is a great tool to accomplish this.
As you know many of us did not grow up with a physical answering machine, either separately, or plugged into a landline phone. Kids don’t even know what an answering machine is. Updated to today’s world, we’re talking about inane voicemail. The thing about today’s inane messages, is we think about political, marketing and scams all kinds. There’s no shortage of them, and they’re proliferated by mechanized robocalls.
History and Origin of National Inane Answering Message Day:
National Inane Answering Message Day is a copyrighted Holiday. National Inane Answering Message Day was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at
Our research has yet to discover who created this day, and the date it was created. There is no evidence to suggest that this is truly a “National” Holiday, which requires an act of congress.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates