8 Things You Can Do Every Day To Be Happier

8 Things You Can Do Every Day To Be Happier

Feeling happy every day isn’t something many people can relate to. After all, we have bad things going on in the world every day, things like work and money stressing us out, perhaps even relationship troubles – the list of things that can potentially upset us goes on. However, while these things can certainly be unpleasant, there are things you can do to feel happier each day. By changing your mindset and opting to feel happier the majority of the time, you might even view your perceived problems in a different way. You might view them as lessons, and learn from them.

Below, you’ll find 8 things you can do every day to be happier. Take a look!

  1. Find The Good In Everything

Do your best to find the good in everything. In every situation and circumstance, there is usually a lesson to be learned. Take a look at your own situation and learn how to flip it so that you can take some positives from it. Remember, life happens for us, not to us. You don’t have to be a victim of your circumstances. Stop telling yourself the same old negative story!

2. Be Grateful Morning And Night

Gratitude is one of the most elevating emotions we can feel. Find things to be grateful for when you get out of bed in the morning, and things to be grateful for before you fall asleep. You likely have many things that you can feel grateful for that you take advantage of each day. Do you have food on the table? A little money in your pocket? A roof over your head? You already have so much to be grateful for if this is the case!

The more you feel gratitude, the more you have to be grateful for. You should begin noticing much more magic in your life when you endeavour to feel more gratitude.


3. Work On Your Professional And Personal Development

If you’re not working in your professional or personal development, you’re probably in a stuck mindset. We should all stay in a growth mindset, even if it means doing things that make us uncomfortable and consistently pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. We shouldn’t stop developing and learning as soon as we leave school, and yet many people do! Start working on your professional and personal development today. Perhaps you could enroll in a lean manufacturing MS course to climb the career ladder or change jobs. Perhaps you could take a course on communication. There are numerous things you can do to improve as an employee and as a person!

4. Meditate

Meditation is not just for monks and hippies. Every single person can benefit from regular meditation! Some of the most devout meditators will tell you that they meditate for at least an hour a day. Don’t worry – you don’t need to do that! Even just 5-10 minutes of meditation each day can help you to get into a better frame of mind. If you want to build this up when you’re in the habit, then you can. The key at first is to get into the habit, so even if you have to start with 2 minutes a day for a few weeks, then do it!

To help your meditations, consider using an app or a video on YouTube. You can also use things like instrumental music, incense, and meditation cushions to help you get into the ‘zone’. It can be tough to switch your racing thoughts off, but just like any other skill, you can learn with practice.

5. Take Care Of Your Physical Health

Taking care of your physical health is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself now and in the future. Find a type of exercise that you really like. Eat nourishing foods. Drink plenty of water. Avoid bad habits like smoking. Get plenty of sleep. All of these things will make a huge difference if you are consistent. You don’t have to go to extremes.

6. Keep A Journal

A journal can help you to decipher your feelings and work out how to feel better. There are many benefits of keeping a journal – just look at this.

7. Connect With Another Person

Whether it’s a family member or a close friend, make sure you keep in touch with those you love. Send a nice text or have a 5 minute catch up on the phone – you don’t necessarily need to take hours out of your day.

8. Commit Yourself To Performing Small Acts Of KindnessBeing kind to others actually makes us happier than doing things for ourselves. Here’s how!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

19 thoughts on “8 Things You Can Do Every Day To Be Happier

  1. I do try to do a lot of these. I think the world would be a better place if everyone were just kind. Sometimes people can be so dang cruel and I don’t get it.

  2. All of these are very good reminders of what we should be doing. I know I need to focus more on my happiness and somedays I do better at it than others.

  3. Yes! I always find the good in everything and look at things positively! I am a glass 1/2 full kinda girl – and people know me to be very happy all the time 🙂 Life is way too short to be sad and look at things negatively!

  4. I do all of these things but meditate. I tell and write down 10 things everyday I am grateful for that is going on around me.

  5. These are some wonderful ways to think about being happy and trying to bring some happy moments in your life. Looking for the good moments in everything is a good thing.

  6. It’s true! Meditating really does help to make me feel better, energized, and happier! If I have only 15 minutes to meditate each day, it makes a world of difference. Love the other suggestions!

  7. I keep an e-journal and this way I am reminded to be grateful morning and night. I track all things that happened daily and find lessons in them.

  8. I love these! I was happy to note that I have done all of them at one time or another, however, I haven’t done much of those lately. I’m getting on that now.

  9. This is exactly what I needed today I was so stress in my new job. But then at the end of the day I look for good things what befits me for working. This really motivates me to see good things even on a bad day.

  10. These are great ways to work on your own happiness. I received a gratitude journal for Christmas that I need to pull out and use. I want to work on meditation too.

  11. Every night before bed I try and think of all the things and people I am thankful for and say a prayer for them all. I usually fall asleep midthought so I guess it serves a dual purpose! LOL!

  12. I love these tips! Happiness is an exercise. And these are good rules to become a happy person!

  13. I think these are all really good ideas. I love connecting with others and I also think it’s great to do that often. It’s nice to see how others are doing.

  14. Yesterday I went to a friend’s house to just hang out. She said she felt bad because I have been so busy and she didn’t think I needed one more thing to do. I said that I need to see her because I needed something that brought me joy.

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