Good morning, welcome to our Homeschool Resources: Reading Assistant Plus. If you have used this resource leave me a comment and let me know what you liked or disliked about it and why.

Reading Assistant Plus uses patented technology to listen as the student reads each word aloud and delivers immediate support whenever a learner struggles with or mispronounces a word.
Grades 2-12, with parental supervision. Does it take you a couple of minutes to find the definition of a word? Do you go to “” only to find you need ““? No longer. offers a mnemonically easy and fast way to find the meaning of a word. What’s more, your kids may be so taken with the name of the website they’ll want to use it!
Simply create “favorites” for Ninjawords, and thereafter you are only one click and a few letters away from getting a competent definition for a word. If you misspell the word, the chances are that Ninjawords will offer the corrected spelling with the definition to boot.
For example, we asked for the definition of “spektakular” and got back “Did you mean spectacular?” along with the definition of “spectacular”.
Now, that’s spektakular!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates