Please help me welcome a new Christmas Sponsor to our Gift Guide Puraka Masks’. You will find our latest Sponsor inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women

Even though would be perfect to wear during Holiday Baking Parties or for a Night Out on The Town. I could even see my nieces asking for the mask I received in exchange for spot in our Gift Guide because it has Snowflakes in different colors on the mask.
I also received Blue Rainbow – Essential Designer Mask, The New Essential Black Mask, Camo Splash – Essential Designer Mask and a Cute Gift Bag that can be used year after year. Along, with Puraka Premium PM2.5 Filters and a Mask Catcher Lanyard.
Seattle-based Puraka Masks’ recently-released Holiday Gift Mask set. What better way to complete a Socially-distanced Christmas Baking Party than by adding masks that not only protect the kiddos, but that look great and fit so well our kids actually love to wear them.

Puraka Masks are designed and sewn locally, but made to international standards for protective face masks to achieve that elusive combination of style and effectiveness. Many of our customers are already buying our masks as gifts for family, friends, or Secret Santa, and we think you might want to as well.
Whether it’s the additional peace of mind knowing your traveling loved ones are protected, that boost of confidence needed to visit your favorite shop, the comfort of knowing you are safer sitting across the table from a good friend, or the pleasure that comes from changing a mask from a burden into a thing of beauty, Puraka Masks are a great choice this holiday season.
Make sure you check the mask out soon because there is nothing like feeling the durable yet soft cotton for yourself. The mask come in a Large or Medium size.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates