7 Ways to Reduce Drunk Driving Accidents in 2023

The Mommies Reviews

Drunk driving accidents are a major concern in Houston, Texas. Every year, hundreds of lives are lost in Houston due to accidents involving intoxicated drivers. In 2020, there were over 1,000 drunk driving accidents in the city, resulting in more than 100 fatalities and over 700 injuries. In recent years, the city of Houston has taken steps to reduce the number of drunk driving accidents. They have implemented stricter laws against drinking and driving, including harsher punishments for those caught driving while intoxicated. 

They have also increased public awareness campaigns and DUI checkpoints in order to raise awareness of the dangers of drunk driving. Despite these measures, drunk driving accidents remain a major issue in Houston. It is estimated that more than half of all fatal auto accidents in the city involve an intoxicated driver. If you or your loved one has been hit by a drunk driver, you need to get yourself a qualified lawyer who specializes in drunk driving cases to get your rightful compensation. 

Ways to Reduce Drunk Driving Accidents In The Future 

Increase the Severity of Punishments: 

The most effective way of reducing drunk driving accidents in 2023 is to increase the severity of punishments for those caught driving under the influence. This could include longer jail sentences, heavier fines, and mandatory alcohol treatment programs. 

Improve Public Awareness: 

Another way to reduce drunk driving accidents in 2023 is to improve public awareness about the risks of drinking and driving. This could include educating people about the consequences of drunk driving, creating public service announcements, and increasing public awareness of designated driver programs. 

Frequent Checkpoints: 

Strict enforcement of traffic laws is essential for reducing drunk driving accidents in 2023. This could include increased checkpoints, stiffer penalties for those caught driving under the influence, and the implementation of zero-tolerance policies.

Increase Accessibility of Public Transportation: 

Increasing the accessibility of public transportation is a key way to reduce drunk driving accidents in 2023. This could include expanding public transit options, offering discounts for rideshare services, and providing incentives for people to take advantage of public transportation. 

Create Alternatives to Driving: 

Creating Alternatives to driving is another way to reduce drunk driving accidents in 2023. This could include providing incentives for people to walk, bike, or use public transportation instead of driving a car. 

Introduce Mandatory Alcohol Interlock Devices: 

Introducing mandatory alcohol interlock devices is a way to reduce drunk driving accidents in 2023. These devices require drivers to blow into a breathalyzer before the vehicle starts. 

Increase Access to Ride-Sharing Services: 

Increasing access to ride-sharing services is another way to reduce drunk driving accidents in 2023. This could include providing discounts for ride-sharing services, expanding the number of ride-sharing providers, and creating incentives for people to take advantage of these services.


The best way to prevent drunk driving accidents in Houston is for individuals to make the responsible decision not to drink and drive. If someone chooses to drink, they should make sure to have a designated driver or use public transportation to get home safely. Despite implementing all these measures, if you still become a victim in a drunk driving case, you need to get legal help from a qualified lawyer.