7 Reasons Why You Need Personal GPS Trackers for Children

As a parent you often worry if your child does not come home on time or if he has to go to school alone. In order to always know where your child is, we recommend using a personal GPS tracker. We have summarized in 7 reasons the advantages that the location of children brings and what risks are prevented thanks to it. Of course there are also other positives of GPS for children.


1. On The Way From Home To School

Especially in the winter month, when the sun rises late and sets early, parents worry a lot about their children when they leave home. The dangers are even more difficult to recognize and lurk around every corner. Darkness is simply a dangerous environment for your child. Our GPS Tracker for children is optimal for these cases. In the portal you can check the location and route between your child’s home and school. In the event of unforeseen events, it immediately alerts you and you can act quickly.

2. Trips

It does not matter whether with the sports club or with the school class – in large groups and especially in unknown areas it can happen that a child is lost or even forgotten. In these cases it is possible to set the companion as an SOS contact for the duration of the trip. In doing so, he also obtains information on the SOS alarm activated. In this way it relieves not only yourself of worries and fears, but also the work of a supervisor. 

3. Protection for Newborns

Not only can the schoolboy something happen by going to school and being in danger. Something can happen to newborns too. To protect even your minor children, just place the GPS Tracker for children in the wheelchair or attach it to the child seat. Thanks to its small size, the GPS Tracker for children does not stand out and can be fixed almost anywhere. So you can also locate a baby, as well as children in adolescence.

4. Loss in an Unknown Area

Are you visiting a new area or living in a metropolis? In these cases, it can easily happen that your child gets lost in the crowd and cannot find you again. If your child takes the wrong path, ends up on unfamiliar roads and no longer knows what to do, the GPS location can save it. In the application you can see the path of your child. Furthermore, the M2M card guarantees an optimal signal.

5. Traveling

If you go on vacation with the whole family, don’t forget the tracker for your child. Being usable all over the world, your child’s protection starts already at the airport or in the station.  Avoid getting lost and making sure your children are safe for the duration of their stay. If you are in a safe place, you can let your child explore the area by himself. In fact, thanks to the GPS location, it will never be lost. Especially in the event of a vacation abroad, we recommend using the tracker already at the start of the trip. No need to worry about any additional costs abroad. In fact, they do not exist, thanks to the M2M SIM card. You will always pay the price of the tariff chosen by you, regardless of how or where you use your device.

>>Quick Tips, if it is a family road trip lasting for days, you’d better equip your car with a car tracking device with no monthly fee to ensure a safe road trip.


6. Emergency Case

It can happen anywhere and, unfortunately, faster than expected – an accident. When it happens, you want quick help for your child and want to know what happened. In these cases you can press the SOS button. In this way, an alarm and the position of the child are sent to all saved SOS contacts. This function can be of decisive help in many uncomfortable situations. Your child can act quickly not only in an emergency, but also if he is lost or injured or does not feel comfortable in a certain situation. She is informed quickly and immediately receives the child’s position. Furthermore, our online portal has all the addresses and house numbers, just like Google Maps. Even if some roads do not have a name (for example in the woods or in the fields), you have the possibility to see the exact coordinates.

7. Criminal Actions

The police recorded 12,000 attacks on children in 2017. To prevent such events, you can use our GPS Trackers for children. Whether it’s a violent attack or a kidnapping, thanks to the emergency button and route display, your children are protected from danger. Protect yourself but above all your child with one of our devices. There are also other alarms to help you. For example, the radius alarm informs you if your child strays too far from a set point. The speed alarm is activated as soon as the GPS transmitter for children exceeds the maximum speed set by you.

GPS Tracker for Children Recommended

For any of the above reasons, it is essential to give a personal GPS tracking device to your kid. GoFindMe GPS Tracker is one of the reliable trackers for children. It works combined with phone app, so that you can keep track of your kids in real-time location. A safe zone can be set up via GoFindMe, with which you will get alerted when the kid steps out of the safe zone. What’s more, children can send SOS signal to your phone with one click when they encounter any emergency. Unlike most trackers in the market, it requires no monthly fee, and works perfectly in areas where no cellular service is available.
