7 Energy Saving Tips for Small Businesses

The Mommies Reviews

7 Energy Saving Tips for Small Businesses

Small businesses often struggle with keeping their energy bill down. Whether it’s because of the cost of heating or cooling your office space, being aware of ways to save energy can lead to significant savings. In this article, we’ll explore six energy-saving tips for small businesses.

Saving on energy bills is an essential part of running a successful small business. It’s also an intelligent way to reduce your carbon footprint and improve your bottom line. One way to lower your energy bills is to choose the right electricity provider in your area.

Consumers that live in certain areas of Texas can choose their electricity supplier. When you compare electricity rates in Ft Worth Texas, you can find almost 100 different offers. Use ElectricityPlans.com to shop different rates and compare.

If you’re in the United Kingdom, utility experts like Utility Bidder can discuss energy-saving tips. These pieces of advice can range from doing simple tweaks to your technology, changing your lighting and thermostat settings to dealing with energy source providers. 

Here are seven simple tips to get started.

  1. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use

Leaving appliances on while they’re not in use wastes energy and money. For example, leaving computers plugged into power strips all day uses more electricity than plugging them directly into outlets. This applies even if you leave the computer’s monitor turned off! The same goes for televisions, phones, tablets, and so on. Turn these devices off as soon as you no longer need them; otherwise, energy will be wasted.

  1. Use LED bulbs instead of incandescent ones

Light emitting diode or LED lighting products generate light with up to 90% more efficiency than incandescent light bulbs. LED bulbs work as electricity passes through a microchip, illuminating the LEDs to create visible light. They undergo lumen depreciation and won’t fail. This means that the LED bulb’s brightness level dims gradually over time.

Moreover, LED bulbs can serve up to 10 times longer than traditional incandescents, resulting in fewer replacements over time. They consume less energy too, so using LED bulbs reduces overall energy consumption. These bulbs don’t contain mercury as other types do either – which means that you won’t have to worry about disposing of hazardous waste after switching out old bulbs.

If you have a storefront or a physical office, you know that having a sign can increase energy and maintenance costs. It’s a good thing that energy-efficient LED signage lighting systems are now available. You can configure and align LED chips because of their small size to illuminate various sizes and shapes of outdoor and indoor signages to keep customers engaged with your business. 

Consider installing LED strip lights to provide bright, energy-efficient illumination. LED lights can last for several years without maintenance. Because LED strip lights come with thin, flexible structure and have adhesive backing, you can easily bend them in different angles and shapes. Many LED strip lights are even dust- and water-resistant, perfect for outdoor signages.

  1. Switch to compact fluorescent lamps

These CFLs still require much less wattage than traditional bulbs but last twice as long, making them perfect for reducing energy usage across multiple rooms. Their low price point makes them easy to replace, and many manufacturers offer rebates through utility programs.

Change filters regularly and turn off ventilation systems during non-use periods.

Ventilation systems draw cool outdoor air inside your building through ductwork. However, turning off HVAC units at night saves energy and lowers operating costs. You should replace the HEPA filter every three months and make sure you keep any vents clear of debris.

These are still relatively new but offer many benefits compared to regular CFLs:

  • More efficient – They work by converting some of the electrical energy stored inside the bulb into heat instead of releasing it back into the environment as infrared radiation. They release only 25% of the total amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted by traditional CFLs.
  • Longer lifespan – CFPLs typically last 20 years whereas most CFLs give a maximum lifespan of around 12 years.
  • Less expensive – The price per watt of a typical CFL lamp is approximately half that of a traditional one. This makes them ideal for smaller budgets.
  1. Use motion sensors instead of timers

Motion sensors are used to detect movement but don’t require an actual switch. For example, you might use them to turn on lights or unlock doors remotely from a distance. Motion sensors can be placed in different locations around the room to ensure they’re triggered by the person who’s supposed to activate them.

  1. Change your thermostats’ settings automatically

If you live somewhere where temperatures drop below freezing during winter months, then you’ll likely set your heater/air-conditioner at its lowest temperature possible – usually 60°F. But why? Setting your air-conditioning system lower than necessary could mean wasting energy. If your business is heated by natural gas, this may happen naturally through the process known as “regeneration.” However, turning your AC on unnecessarily to keep warm isn’t good practice. 

To avoid wasting energy, adjust your thermostat to maintain comfort levels throughout the year. A better solution is installing a programmable thermostat that allows you to change your HVAC settings based on factors, such as occupancy, weather conditions, and season.

  1. Install solar panels on top of buildings

Solar panels installed on rooftops generate renewable energy without impacting views or disrupting traffic patterns. Installing photovoltaic systems is another excellent option for small businesses looking to cut costs and increase sustainability. With enough exposure to sunlight, PV panels convert solar rays into usable direct current electricity. 

However, since DC doesn’t flow well through wires, companies must install unique inverters before connecting their panels to the grid. While these aren’t cheap, solar installations generally come with free incentives available from utility providers. Check with your electric company to see whether any rebates or tax credits apply to your area.

  1. Reduce outdoor lighting

Outdoor lighting wastes money and creates glare problems for drivers trying to navigate streets after dark. Consider switching off unnecessary light sources outside your business and replacing them with brighter bulbs like LED lamps. These types of fixtures require less power than incandescent ones because they contain high-efficiency LEDs. They also have longer lifespans and provide even more illumination. It’s important to note, though, that not all municipalities allow certain styles of non-incandescent fixtures within city limits. Make sure to check local regulations if you plan to do so. 

In general, saving energy is essential for any business because it reduces operating costs. The benefits of saving energy include lower utility bills, which means less money spent on electricity, gas, or water. In addition, your company will be able to reduce carbon emissions, which will help the environment. Finally, reducing energy consumption enables your company to become a model citizen, making everyone’s life easier while creating positive environmental impacts in your community.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates