Moving Beyond Anxiety

The Mommies Reviews

Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing Moving Beyond Anxiety information. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did/will receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

First and foremost I am a believer in Christ and I live my life for him. By non means am I perfect and I stumble every day. But the days I rely on the Lord goes much smoother than the days when I try and do things on my own.

I was excited to be able to sit down and read Moving Beyond Anxiety because this novel uses Scriptures to help us in our everyday life. Charlie and I can use this new book in our Bible Class this year when we are Homeschooling.

I had found myself leaning more and more on Moving Beyond Anxiety when I feel anixety and fear creeping into my life. The depression I have been feeling has started to slowly ease up.

I haven’t beel sleeping as much I have been able to meet the goal I set not only for myself but my family. Including losing the weight I need to lose and getting up and moving.

The arguing that was happening daily has stopped and even David has picked up Moving Beyond Anxiety and had Charlie read parts of this new novel to him. I can’t believe how much our loves has change and I can never thank this Author enough because I know my family is going to be okay and that we can face anything together through the Lord.


12 Ways God Can Help You Conquer Anxiety

Does it feel like a cloud of worry follows wherever you go? Do you find yourself in a state of fear about the unknown? It’s no secret that fear and anxiety are often at the root of our problems.

The key to overcoming your anxiety are found in the person of Jesus. He frequently called his followers to trust rather than give into fear–be “anxious for nothing” (Matthew 6:25), and to cast all our anxieties on him (1 Peter 5:7).

Author David Chadwick shares 12 ways you can overcome life’s fears and worries—all of which come straight from Scripture and include…

  • Focusing on faith             
  • Praying                                
  • Caring for your health
  • Remembering
  • Developing an eternal perspective          
  • Finding good teammates

Moving Beyond Anxiety will equip you to defeat worry and fear forever by trusting God and exercising your faith daily. As you immerse yourself in God’s truth, you will discover the most powerful antidotes to anxiety.

Inside this novel is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates