For Christmas DrinkFinty sent me one of the water bottles. I had given this Gift to David who said Charlie could have it so he would drink more water or at least we hoped Charlie would.

Fast forward to the end of January and I found DrinkFinity sitting in the Christmas Room not being used. With me wanting to lose weight and making the decision to drink more water and cut out Sodas and all but one glass of Iced Tea a day.
I knew I want to find new ways to drink water so I wouldn’t become tired and quite drinking it and go back to my bad habits. With DrinkFinity I know that will not happen.
There are 9 flavorful pods which contain both dry and liquid ingredients sealed separately until the moment the Pod is popped using the unique stainless steel Drinkfinity Bottle.
Combining our water which is transformed into a delicious 20 oz beverage, with no artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners. Which is perfect for our family as we all get more Sugar than we need.
I liked finding out DrinkFinity comes with functional blends including Caffeine, Vitamins or Electrolytes. Drinkfinity beverage system has helped us achieve significant waste reduction.

A 20 oz serving of Drinkfinity contains up to 65% less plastic than a comparable ready-to-drink beverage. Keeping us from polluting the Universe.
The Pods are more efficient to ship and store reducing our overall carbon footprint immensely. Drinkfinity goal is to produce Pods with the smallest possible impact to the environment.
They are investing in technologies to to manufacture Pods that are even easier to recycle, made from 100% post-consumer recycled PET plastic as well as use recycled packaging.
There story began with a simple idea, to reduce waste and provide more taste through the creation of a single hydration system with a reusable water bottle and juice-based pods filled with flavor. Which is exactly what they did
Drinkfinity strives to provide infinite hydration through the unique duality of our bottle – for use with plain water or in the creation of a flavorful beverage of choice.
Drinkfinity is here to help keep you hydrated with delicious new blends and purposefully selected ingredients because your the driving force behind everything we do.

Our story began with a simple idea, to reduce waste and provide more taste through the creation of a single hydration system with a reusable water bottle and juice-based pods filled with flavor.
We strive to provide infinite hydration through the unique duality of our bottle – for use with plain water or in the creation of a flavorful beverage of choice. We are here to help keep you hydrated with delicious new blends and purposefully selected ingredients, because you are the driving force behind everything we do.

Subscription: HOW IT WORKS
Select how many Pod Packs you want to receive each month.
Select the Pods that fit you best,
or let us choose them for you.
Update your subscription
at any time.

The bottles can be purchased separately and they come in Teal, Coral, Onyx, Plum and Pearl. Mine is Orange but I plan on purchasing a purple bottle as well for myself and blue for Charlie.
I was sent the upgrade Starter Kit which comes with Pomegranate Acai, Watermelon Lemonade, and Mango Chia. if I were to pick Pods out on my own I wouldn’t have chosen these flavors.

With me trying to get out of my comfort zone and wanting to find new beverages and by trying these flavors even if I don’t like the taste I can say I tried them and show Charlie we should do things we aren’t sure of.
I also want David to try DrinkFinity out and for David I want to order the s in White Peach. For Charlie I will let Charlie chose which flavors of Pods he wants to try.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie a David Cates