Detoxing is a healthy way to get your body back to a more balanced state. A number of studies have shown that toxins that build up in the body can cause health problems like fatigue, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, and mental fog.
These toxins can be found in the environment, from the seemingly safe products we use to the pollution we are exposed to every day. When we go on a detox, we help our body eliminate these toxins and restore it to a healthier state.
Whether you are going through a simple seven-day detox or a more comprehensive program that lasts a few months, a detox will affect your body in a number of ways, so it is important that you prepare for it thoroughly. Here are six of the best ways to prepare when planning a detox.
Research the Detox Plan Thoroughly
There are detox programs that will only require you to cut back on certain substances while there are plans that are so intensive, you will need to work closely with a specialist. What these programs have in common is that they are designed to eliminate toxins from your body.
The elimination process could affect your physiological state, from your hormone levels to your sleep patterns and even your mood. Always take time to read and research about the detox you are about to go through.
List down any possible challenges you think you might encounter so you will know what adjustments to make. For example, if you are a heavy drinker of caffeinated drinks, you might suffer from withdrawal symptoms if you quit cold turkey. You can make adjustments by cutting back on your caffeine intake a week or two before the fast.
Talk to Your Doctor
Not all detoxes are made equal, and everyone responds to each type of detox differently. Just because your friend breezed through a weeklong juice fast, doesn’t mean it is best for you too.
With this in mind, take time to consult your doctor, and ask if you are healthy enough to undergo a detox program. Be honest about your expectations, and talk about any preexisting health conditions that may affect you like heart conditions and anemia. Your physician might also be able to answer any questions you have about your choice of detox, how it could affect you, and how you can make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle in a way that isn’t too abrupt.
Plan Your Meals Ahead
Self-discipline is a crucial part of a detox program. You may be asked to abstain from certain foods and drinks. To stick to your diet program, create a meal plan in advance. This will make grocery shopping and meal preparation more efficient because then you don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about what you are allowed to eat. You can simply look at your meal plan and stick to it.
Second, when you plan your meal ahead, you help save yourself from indulging in unhealthy snacks and drinks. You can replace these with healthier alternatives like fruits and salads.
Cut Back on Processed Food and Drinks
Another area where you will need to exert self-discipline is processed food and drinks. These products are well-known for having artificial ingredients and substances that are potentially addictive like sugar and sweeteners. Just like caffeine dependence, it can be hard to quit these food and beverages, especially if you have made them a part of your daily life.
To ease your way into this change, start cutting back your consumption a week before the start of the detox. Start reading labels when you go grocery shopping, and go for whole foods. A rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce the stuff on the label, it’s probably not good for you.
Do an inventory of your kitchen and pantry, and get rid of any snacks and drinks that you want to quit. The saying that goes “Out of sight, out of mind” will certainly come in handy during this time.
Water will be your trusty friend during the detox period. Hydrating adequately has a lot of well-known benefits. It moisturizes your skin, keeps you productive, boosts mental clarity, and help you stave off hunger.
Make sure your hydrating habits are solid before you start the detox. Start drinking at least eight glasses a day, and bring a water bottle with you so you can drink wherever you go. If you hate the taste of bland water, you can mix in fresh fruits into your water like lemon, apples, and oranges. This trick will not only add a flavor to your water but will also boost the vitamin and mineral content of your beverage.
Develop Healthy Sleeping Habits
Detoxing is not all about depriving yourself of food, drinks, or activities. The goal is to help bring balance into all aspects of your life, and this includes your sleeping habits. Because the detox might affect you physically, it is important that you give your body enough time to rest and recuperate, and that comes mainly through getting a solid amount of sleep at night.
Start developing healthy sleeping patterns before you start the detox. Set a specific time for you to sleep, and stick to it. Make your room a comfortable place that is conducive for relaxation. Remove any possible distractions that might keep you from sleeping soundly, like smart phones, television, and laptops. You can also install a white noise machine to eliminate outside noises.
Photo URL: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-drinking-water-1458671/
Stop eating processed food and soda drinks completely and you will feel so much better. Drink water. Best thing for you and is cheap.
It’s good to have a good detox once in a while. But if a person has certain health conditions, consulting with a medical professional would be best to secure health.
These seem like important things to consider before starting a detox plan. I don’t think I would enjoy a strict detox regimen. However, I know I need to be more careful about what I eat these days.
I have never tried a detox. I don’t have the self-discipline but I am working on that as we speak.
I should definitely think about doing a detox. It does take a lot of self control to be able to stick to such a regimen. Thanks for sharing this info.
I am currently on vacation. I’ve been eating delicious food, so ready for detox program.
Staying hydrated is important and yet it’s always an issue for me to get enough water in my day.
Staying away from sugar does wonderful things for the body and mind!
And water is the best detox therapy! Thanks for all the additional info on this post..