6 Risks of Accepting a Settlement Without Consulting a Car Accident Lawyer

The Mommies Reviews

6 Risks of Accepting a Settlement Without Consulting a Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a close relative have been injured in a road accident that was caused by someone else, you can claim compensation for your injuries, your loss of income, and the damage to your car. This money is crucial because it reduces the financial impact of this unfortunate incident. Always get an experienced car accident lawyer involved. Without their help, you might not know how much to ask for, and you won’t have access to all the evidence you need.

6 Risks of Accepting a Settlement Without Consulting a Car Accident Lawyer

1. Your Accident Might Need to Be Investigated 

After an accident, you might receive a call from an insurance company, asking you to confirm details about the incident. Try not to engage with the agents or give them any information. Even if you believe you’re partially responsible for your accident or you don’t think you have serious injuries, never admit this to the insurers because it could make it more difficult for you to claim compensation later.

Instead, remain polite and tell them that you’d prefer to speak to your lawyer first. Your attorney will investigate your situation and make sure all factors have been considered, including who was responsible for the accident and what kind of compensation you need to make up for the damage.

2. You Could Have Hidden Injuries 

Only 0.7% of car crashes are fatal, but just because you survived doesn’t mean your collision didn’t result in severe injuries. Some common problems after road accidents include whiplash, fractured bones, chest injuries, and head injuries. The expected recovery time for many of these is short, so your doctor might tell you that you will feel better within a few months. 

However, it’s best not to settle straight away because there could be hidden damage that only becomes apparent over time. Some experts advise you to wait and make your claim once your injuries have healed, but that isn’t always possible, especially if you have a permanent disability. It’s always a good idea to consult a lawyer and a medical expert before asking for compensation, so you can be sure that all possible outcomes have been considered.

3. The First Offer Is Almost Never Fair 

If it’s clear that you were not at fault, the other party’s insurance company might offer you a settlement right away. Don’t accept this, and ask to speak to your lawyer first. The initial settlement is often much too low, as it is the insurance company’s attempt at minimizing their losses. 

4. You Might Not Have All the Necessary Evidence to Argue with the Insurers 

Although you might be entitled to a significant amount of compensation, it can be hard to prove this. Without a lawyer, you might not be able to access certain kinds of evidence, and you might not have the negotiation skills necessary to gain maximum compensation. 

A good personal injury lawyer will go through each detail of the accident to find as much evidence as possible. This could include your medical bills, statements from your doctors, video footage and photographs of the accident, statements from witnesses, and information from experts such as psychologists. 

5. You Don’t Know Where to Get Support 

Personal injury cases are complex. To get the compensation you need, you’ll have to find several kinds of evidence. First, you have to demonstrate that the other party was responsible for the crash. Next, you have to show that the injuries you are suffering from were caused by the collision. Finally, you’ll need to prove that your injuries are causing you significant issues, for example, that they are stopping you from doing your job or interacting with your loved ones.

To do this, you need the support of eyewitnesses, your doctors, and expert witnesses, for example, medical professionals, who can confirm your claims. Without a lawyer who is well-connected in the local community, it can be hard to find this kind of support.

6. You Haven’t Considered the Psychological Component of Your Injuries

Did you know that up to 20% of car crash survivors have ongoing mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression? If you’re experiencing symptoms like an increased dependency on substances like alcohol, more stress, mood swings, or nightmares, you’re not alone. Your mental health struggles could be related to your accident because your mind might still be traumatized by what happened. 

Fortunately, speaking about mental health has become more common since the pandemic. In recent years, the link between physical events like a car crash and mental health has been examined more closely. Experienced car accident lawyers in Kansas City, MO will take this psychological component into consideration when determining how much compensation you should ask for. 

Car accidents can be traumatic, and they can cause both physical and mental health challenges that last for years. If you’ve been in a crash, contact a personal injury attorney, who can help you investigate the accident and make sure you get a fair settlement offer. Together with your lawyer, you can determine how much money you need and find evidence that shows how your injuries are causing you ongoing problems.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates