The Mommies Reviews

Hi, Glenda!

Greetings and welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #13 yes, I am one day behind. I will catch up this morning. As well as help my students catch up on there websites. God willing…

Today is 7-13 (if we ignore the year). This is a prime number (it cannot be divided by any number other than itself and 1). OK – if your a math geek then you know this. But I am not a math geek!

Do you have a favorite number? A lucky number perhaps? What is it and why?

Write a post today about a number. Maybe it is that favorite number or your lucky number. You could write about the number of comments your website has and how many more you have received since the Challenge started! Do you come from a large family? What if you wrote about your 11 brothers and sisters?! Oh My!

Don’t forget to share your Day 13 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at and share the URL of your post with the group.

If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!

I do not have a favorite number even though I know a lot of people do. Although, I do have a lot of numbers I like and numbers I dislike for various reasons.

Including 5/8/1988 the birth of my daughter and then 11/28/2004 the death of my daughter. Or 12/16/2007 the birth of my son Charlie. Or the day I married my high school sweet 5/20/2007 after 25 years of knowing each other.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates