5 Ways Practical Learning Can Augment Your Academic Experience

The Mommies Reviews

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Practical learning, or learning by doing, can significantly enrich academic experiences, providing students with a more comprehensive understanding of their field of study. From internships to live projects, these hands-on experiences allow students to apply academic theories to actual tasks, fostering a deeper engagement with the material. Below, we will explore the many ways practical learning can augment your academic experience, making it not just a journey of intellectual discovery but also one of professional and personal growth.

  1. Development of Soft Skills

While technical knowledge is crucial, the development of soft skills — such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving — is equally important. Through practical exercises like group projects, students learn to articulate their thoughts, listen to others, and reach a consensus — all valuable skills in any professional setting. Internships and on-the-job training also expose students to real-life problems, challenging them to devise and implement practical solutions. This problem-solving experience is invaluable, cultivating a mindset that looks for solutions rather than dwelling on obstacles.

These soft skills go beyond just improving employability. They play a critical role in shaping a well-rounded personality equipped to navigate the complexities of modern professional and social environments. As students collaborate on projects, negotiate roles, and communicate ideas, they build confidence and interpersonal skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

  1. Integration of Work Experience During Study

One of the most effective ways to augment academic learning is to intertwine it with work experience. Programs like Day 1 CPT (Curricular Practical Training) exemplify this integration, allowing students to undertake employment related to their major field of study from the first day of their academic program. This opportunity transforms the classroom into a living lab where every lecture, every assignment, and every project can be immediately tested and improved upon in a professional setting.

The advantages of such an approach are manifold. Firstly, it enables students to contextualize their learning. When they can see how the theories discussed in class manifest in the workplace, the learning becomes more concrete and relevant. Furthermore, this early and consistent exposure to the professional world helps students build a clearer career path, as they can adjust their academic choices based on real industry demands and personal affinities discovered through work experience.

Moreover, integrating work into the study program helps students to become agile learners, able to adapt to new information and apply it immediately. It creates a dynamic feedback loop where students can take insights from work back into the classroom for further exploration and vice versa. By the time they graduate, students will have not only a degree but also a robust portfolio of work experience, setting them apart in the job market.

  1. Improved Retention and Understanding

The adage ‘practice makes perfect’ holds a fundamental truth in the realm of learning. Engaging in practical activities allows students to apply what they’ve learned in a tangible context, thereby improving their retention of the material. When students are active participants in their education, they are more likely to remember and understand the subject matter.

Practical learning exercises, such as simulations, experiments, or real-world problem-solving, enable students to see the immediate implications and applications of their academic studies. This method of learning facilitates a deeper understanding because students are not merely memorizing facts; they are contextualizing information within a relevant and meaningful framework. Studies have repeatedly shown that when students are taught concepts in a way that connects to their experiences, retention rates soar.

Moreover, this approach encourages students to develop critical thinking skills. As they navigate the practical application of their studies, they learn to question, analyze, and synthesize information, which is invaluable in both academic and professional settings. This type of engagement with the material creates a learning experience that is both enriching and enduring.

  1. Networking and Professional Connections

Practical learning often extends beyond the classroom and into the community, where students have the opportunity to meet and work with industry professionals. This networking is invaluable as it can lead to mentorship, recommendations, and, often, future employment.

Internships, apprenticeships, and fieldwork offer students a platform to showcase their skills and work ethic to potential employers. They also provide a real-world setting to observe and interact with professionals who have established careers in the field. These connections can provide insight into industry trends, job search advice, and professional development opportunities.

Networking isn’t just about meeting the right people; it’s also about learning how to navigate professional relationships. Students learn the nuances of professional communication and conduct, which is rarely taught in traditional classrooms but is essential for career advancement. Building a robust professional network while still in school gives students a head start on their careers, providing a foundation upon which they can build after graduation.

  1. Encouragement of Innovation and Creativity

Practical learning environments are undoubtedly fertile grounds for innovation and creativity. They provide students with the freedom to experiment, take calculated risks, and push the boundaries of their knowledge. This kind of learning environment values original thought and encourages students to think differently.

Projects that require the creation of a product, the start of a service, or the development of a novel solution to a problem can lead to entrepreneurial ventures or the development of new processes that can benefit society. By allowing students to test out their ideas in a safe and supportive environment, practical learning fosters a spirit of innovation that is often stifled in traditional academic settings.

This spirit of creativity and innovation is highly sought after in the modern workforce. Employers are not just looking for individuals who can follow instructions but also for those who can think outside the box and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Practical learning experiences, therefore, can give students a significant advantage as they enter a job market that prizes innovation.


Combining practical learning with academic study creates a rich tapestry of education that prepares students not just for exams but for life. Through the integration of work experience, the development of soft skills, the improved retention of knowledge, the building of professional networks, and the encouragement of innovation, practical learning augments academic experiences in ways that are profound and far-reaching.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates