5 tips to get the best retention out of your eyelash extension glue

Eyelash extensions make you look like a million bucks. They last for weeks, and they give your lashes the appearance of hair-covered silk. But beware; not all eyelash glues are equal in strength or quality. For that reason, we have to talk about the qualities of the best eyelash extension glue for your skin and Humidity.
What’s the best Eyelash glue?
It should be waterproof, sweat-proof, and humidity resistant. Do your research on the glue that you use by asking questions of your eyelash technician or reading her blog.
Most lash technicians use medical grade adhesives to prevent product build up in the eyes or skin irritation. While this is important to know about the products they want you to purchase for home care, the glue they use in the salon may be a different strength.
If you’re going to do something, do it right! Go for the best eyelash extension adhesive that will provide the most strength. And remember, when in doubt just ask your technician what she recommends.
Here is what to do to get the most out of your lash extension glue:
1) Use FRESH glue
The most important ingredient in lash extension glue is the adhesive itself. If you are trying to call yourself a professional, then you need to have an appropriate adhesive for eyelash extensions. You may think all glues are equal, but this simply isn’t true. Cheap lashes will be glued with cheap lashes glue.
2) Thoroughly Clean Your Lash Extension Tools
You should never use the same lash tool on multiple clients’ lashes. You can avoid cross contamination with meticulous cleaning of your eyelash extension tools. Clean all of your tools thoroughly before you start working to ensure that no bacteria are transferred to new clients. Always have clean spoolies, brushes, and forceps for each client. If otherwise, you can order from lash extension supplies of your choice.
3) Only work with your clients for as long as the glue is useful
The shelf life of eyelash extension glue varies depending on the manufacturer and where you bought it. Some glues last for a few weeks, while others only last a few days. Regardless, follow the product’s guidelines to extend its lifespan as long as possible.
4) Keep glue in a safe, dry place
The moment you open your eyelash extension glue, it starts to go bad. The biggest problem with opening the bottle is that it exposes your glue to bacteria. To get the best results from your lash glue, just leave it sealed and give clients a brand new bottle every time they visit for a refill.
5) keep your extensions glued securely to the skin by cleaning down to the base of the lashes
Sometimes clients are picky about their lashes touching their eyelids. If you are having these kinds of issues with clients, consider filling in between their natural lash growths with an ACRYLIC powder, which is a great way to keep your lashes securely on people’s eyes.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates