5 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Coffee Percolators

The Mommies Reviews

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Coffee Percolators

Typically consumed first thing in the morning, coffee is a beloved beverage worldwide. Though the beans used and the brewing methods may be different, it cannot be denied that people can’t live without them. The rich aroma and the comforting warmth that a cup of coffee (or several) brings are enough to help them get through the day. 

The intense love for coffee and being able to serve this drink to people on the go is what probably fueled the establishment of numerous cafes all over the world. Though this may be the case, nothing beats making your own in the coffee percolator or machine early in the morning while still in the pajamas and savoring a cup or two before the morning rush. Hence, the market is filled with various types of coffee makers to choose from – one of which will be discussed in this article, the coffee percolators. 

What is a Coffee Percolator? 

One of the old-school ways of brewing coffee, a coffee percolator is a type of pot that works by continually cycling the water that seeps through the coffee ground until it reaches the preferred coffee strength. Unlike drip and automatic coffee makers, it needs to be monitored to avoid over-extraction, but it cannot be denied that the coffee it produces has a richer and deeper taste. 

Coffee percolators enjoyed much popularity before the early 1970s when the drip coffee makers were introduced to the market. Its successful comeback is mainly due to its capability of making coffee without electricity, a big plus for campers and outdoors people. 

Today, you’ll find two types of coffee percolators – the stovetop and the electric. While both work the same, the difference lies in the heat sources used. Electric percolators, as the name suggests, need to be plugged into a socket to work while the stovetop uses a flame, burner, or other external sources of heat. 

3 Pros of Coffee Percolators

Modern coffee makers may be widely available today, but percolators have managed to gain the love of the younger generation in addition to the older ones. The flavorful and richer taste and aroma of coffees made from percolators is a huge hit to today’s generation. 


One of the major pros of percolators is that it’s the perfect travel companion for coffee lovers. Portable and durable, many campers and outdoors people love its practicality as they get to start their morning at the campsite with a fresh cup of brewed coffee. 

Easy to Clean 

Another good thing about percolators is that it’s easy to clean. If this is a problem you encounter with other coffee makers, then it might be time to make the switch. What makes it easy to clean is that the brewing pot can be taken apart so you can clean all of the parts. 


One characteristic of the percolator that made many fall in love with it is its ability to produce flavorful coffee that tastes deep and rich. Depending on the preferred brew strength, users can leave it longer to achieve the optimal taste. But not to the point of over-extraction as it could give you a cup of joe with a bitter taste, and that’s not what you want early in the morning. 

Things to Consider When Buying a Coffee Percolator

Hopefully, the above pros of coffee percolators convinced you that it’s a sensible purchase to make. And if you are, then here are just some of the many things to consider before clicking that buy button to ensure you get the best one. 

1. Cost

Some people, before anything else, want to determine their budget first when shopping for a particular item. It is a good idea because you will have a rough idea of what brands and models are available within your set price range. However, it’s good to be open to the idea of spending a bit more than what you have set as a budget depending on the type of percolator you’ll get – will it be a stovetop or an electric percolator? 

2. Capacity

Another consideration is the capacity of the percolator to brew coffee for several people. If you look around the market, you will see different brands and models of percolators that can brew two, six, nine, or more cups of coffee. The price will be different as well, so make sure to consider this. If you’re fine with brewing several times in the morning or anytime you and your family fancy a cup of coffee, then it’s still good to purchase one that’s within your budget but with a lower capacity. 

3. Material

The material of the pot matters, especially if you’re planning to use it for a long time. In the market, you’ll see percolators made of extra-strong glass, aluminum, ceramic, and stainless steel. Of the four, stainless steel is the preferred material by many as it is incredibly durable and easy to clean. 

4. Power

Are you planning to buy an electric percolator? Well, then it’s good to consider the power it requires. Frequent use would mean increased consumption of electricity. Hence, it’s worth considering finding and purchasing a model with energy efficiency class A – a little expensive but saves you money in the long run. If you prefer a stovetop percolator, you don’t have to worry about power that much.

5. Maintenance 

Percolators are often easy to clean and maintain. Take it apart and use various cleaning products to remove stains and more. Maintenance may be different, though, due to different designs and materials used. So, make sure to ask about the proper way of cleaning a particular brand and model of percolator. 


Today, you will find plenty of choices for coffee percolators. Depending on the budget you set, as well as some considerations like the material and capacity, it can’t be that hard to find the perfect stovetop or electric percolator for you and your family’s use. The market is filled with various brands and models anyway, and with patience, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates