5 Simple Steps to An Effective Massage During Pregnancy

The Mommies Reviews

5 Simple Steps to An Effective Massage During Pregnancy

A soothing abdominal massage can help you and your baby relax and unwind after a long day’s work. It entails making smooth, soothing movements with your hands over your tummy while applying a rich cream or nourishing oil to shape the features of your body.

As usual, mama, consult your doctor before beginning any massage or stomach massage during your pregnancy to ensure that it is healthy for you. Also, verify with your midwife or doctor before using aromatherapy essential oils on your skin because not all oils are safe to use on the skin during pregnancy.

Thankfully, a relaxing prenatal massage can help relieve some of her pain. Massages can also help your wife’s swelling go down, as well as any worry she may be experiencing. They may even assist her delivery go more smoothly. 

To keep your wife and baby safe, you’ll need to take some extra care, such as having her lie on her side, using long, gentle strokes rather than deep-tissue massage, and avoiding massages throughout the first trimester.

A. Different Aspects of Massage

1. Massage Your Pregnant Wife 

Allow your wife to lie on her side with pillows supporting her. Your wife should lie on her side, with cushions beneath her head and tummy for support, for the safest and most pleasant massage position. Her uterine ligaments will be less stressed as a result of this. You can also put a pillow between her knees to assist cushion her legs and hips, and her knees can be bent and gently pushed up toward her chest to make her more comfortable.

2. To ease stress-related stiffness, massage your wife’s shoulders and neck. 

Cup one of your wife’s shoulders at the point where it meets her neck, then glide your hand up to the base of her skull. Reposition your hand on the outside of her shoulder. Apply gentle pressure to any stiff muscles with the base of your hand or the pads of your fingers. Rep on the other side when you’re completed.

3. To relieve your wife’s aching muscles, rub and knead her back. 

Rub your palms along your wife’s back on either side of her spine while she’s resting on her side. Pay careful attention to any places that feel particularly tight, then knead them lightly with the base of your hand.

4. Give your wife a gentle scalp massage to help her unwind. 

Cup both hands behind your wife’s ears and wrap them around her head. Make a gentle circular motion with your hands, either in the same direction or in opposing directions. Working for your hands up to her hairline and down to her neck is a good way to start. You can also apply light pressure on her scalp with your fingertips.

5. To assist alleviate pain and swelling, rub your wife’s legs and feet. 

The legs and feet of a pregnant woman might become uncomfortable and swollen, especially as the pregnancy progresses. Massage her legs with your flat palm, then rub the top and bottom of her foot with your entire hand, all the way up to her ankles. Then make use of your thumbs to gently trace circles around her ankles, heels, and balls of her feet

B. Adhere to the Safety Precautions

1. Massage your wife as little as possible throughout her first trimester. 

Because the first trimester is a sensitive time when the danger of miscarriage is at its highest, it’s crucial to avoid anything that could stretch the uterine ligaments. To be safe, wait until the beginning of the second trimester, or her 13th week of pregnancy.

2. If your wife has any medical concerns, check with her doctor to see if a massage is safe for her. 

Even if you’re in the second trimester, you should consult your wife’s doctor before giving her a massage. This is especially crucial if your wife has any medical conditions that could make her pregnancy more difficult, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, or a history of miscarriage.

3. Do not massage your wife’s stomach directly. 

A massage straight on the belly could put pressure on your wife’s uterine ligaments, in addition to being painful for her and the baby. This can result in pregnancy issues, including miscarriage, so it’s best to avoid it altogether.

4. Instead of applying deep pressure, use long strokes. 

During pregnancy, deep tissue massage can be too powerful and painful, so keep your hands flat and your motions smooth and firm.

5. If your wife complains of dizziness, discomfort, or contractions, stop the massage. 

Massage has a variety of impacts on the body, including improved blood circulation and endorphin release. These can cause unanticipated reactions, particularly in a pregnant woman whose body is changing all the time.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates