5 Self-Care Tips All Mothers Need

The Mommies Reviews

5 Self-Care Tips All Mothers Need

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Photo of a mother carrying her child

Being a mother can be an all-consuming job to do. You have to take care of your children and ensure that all their needs are being met. You’re constantly juggling one thing or the other, hoping you can balance all of your responsibilities at once. It could be your kids, work or other household chores which you need to complete that make you lose yourself completely. 

You may think that self-care has become a concept that no longer applies to you after becomming a mother. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. It may seem like the right thing to do, to constantly put yourself on the back burner. But it will likely do you more harm than good. Thus, you need to understand that the more you fail to take care of yourself, the more the rest of your responsibilities will suffer. 

To give your children and everyone else the best version of you, you have to feel like your best version.  It’s not easy in any case, which is why we’ve compiled a list of self-care tips that will make you feel better regularly, so you have the energy to get through your daily tasks.

1. Squeeze in Some Movement Everyday

It would be best if you exercised so you feel more active. It doesn’t have to be an exercise that stresses you out. You can attend a yoga class or take up running by the lake. Whatever it is you want to do, you can do. However, you must have that movement. It releases endorphins and makes you feel better about yourself. If your exercise involves taking a flight of stairs to your office instead of taking the lift, you should go for it. Some people also suggest a high-intensity workout to prepare for the day, but this might be difficult for new moms. 

You can sign up for dance lessons if you feel like dancing to a beat. Some moms also take up aerial acrobats so they can establish a routine of sorts. 

2. Take Advantage of Early Mornings

If you have children with regular sleep cycles, sync your me time to when they’re sleeping.  Take the most advantage of it which you can. Use this time, to read your favourite book or knit. Spend your time doing what you want to, instead of what you think you should be doing as a mother. You can try self-care apps or write in a 5-minute journal. All of these are ways in which you can feel more centred in your body. 

3. Take out time for Your Health 

If you’re not healthy, your body will shut down. It may not be easy to get in 8 hours of sleep or eat a balanced diet, but you must do so. Make sure that you’re in touch with your general physician and gynaecologist so you’re on top of your health schedule. You should do your meal prep for the week, so you’re tempted to eat outside. Sometimes, working moms will skip meals to get their work done on time. Make sure that you don’t make mistakes of this sort and treat your body well. 

4. Learn to Let Go

Most mothers go into this headspace of wanting to be the perfect mother for their children. Know that nobody’s perfect. If you want to get that extra caffeine hit, go for it.  If coffee makes you happy, brew your own. There are glorious blends out there, and people often get coffee beans delivered to Sydney, so you can too. 

If you feel like indulging in sugar now and then, you have the complete ability to. Take the winds that life throws at you. You don’t have to be perfect for anyone around you.

5. Prioritize Sleep

This tip may seem very obvious, but the thing that mothers lose the most in the first few years of their child’s life is their sleep. You should try your best to get as much sleep as you possibly can. It alleviates stress, improves your cardiovascular health, boosts your immune system and has a sharper memory. Don’t cut back on sleep even if you feel like you have a thousand things to do the next day. Cutting down on sleep is linked to problems with cognitive functions, which is why it’s best for your and your children that you get your 8 hours of sleep. 

Final Thoughts

Even though self-care is difficult for mothers to partake in, they must do it. Self-care doesn’t have to be daily trips to the spa. They can be a more concentrated effort to be kind to ourselves, and we must all engage in it.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates