5 Home Tips for the Safety and Security of Your Family

Your home is supposed to be where you and your family feel the safest and most secure in. Unfortunately, there are bad guys who threaten your sanctuary and family. According to Home Security Statistics, there are over 2,000,000 home burglaries recorded annually in the United States.
It can be so easy to be a victim of such crimes if you don’t do something to keep them from happening. Take action now, and follow these tips to increase the safety and security of your family at home. Check out 001 VIP security for your own piece of mind.
Upgrade Your Door Security
Contrary to what you see in the movies, most burglars break into homes through the door. As such, securing your doors should be your priority if you want your family to sleep peacefully at night. The first thing you can do about that is to upgrade your door locks.
With a good set of lockpicking tools and some skills, it takes less than five minutes to open a locked door. Invest in high-quality locks that will discourage most intruders from going through with their nefarious plans.
Another thing you can do is to use superior strike plates and add deadbolts to your doors. Many burglars get into homes by forced entry. Getting better strikes plates, preferably with six screws, and having a deadbolt reinforce the strength and security of your door.
Having a sturdier solid door will also make your property more secure and harder to break in.
Secure Your Windows
After the front door, first-floor windows are the second preferred access point of most home intruders. Secure all your windows with high-quality locks, and limit the time you keep them unlocked. Reinforce the locks by pouring melted solder on the screws.
Your efforts of strengthening your window locks will be for nothing if a burglar can easily break the glass and unlock the window. Invest in superior-quality glass that won’t break easily with force, and get window sensors and glass-break detectors that will blare an alarm if someone tries to force your windows open or break the glass.
Install CCTV Cameras
Installing CCTV cameras around your property works as a visual deterrent against criminals. If you notice something suspicious happening around your property, you can monitor the perimeter within the safety of your home using the cameras. Plus, CCTV recordings have done immense help in catching criminals and keeping neighborhoods safe and secure.
Having a home surveillance system can potentially give you insurance savings as well. Higher security means there’s a lesser chance for your property being damaged, decreasing the possibility of insurance claims, which your insurance provider will consider and will lower your policy cost.
You can find out more about the benefits of installing CCTV cameras at home here.
Trim Trees and Shrubs around Your Property
Intruders can use the tall trees and shrubs around your property to climb through your fences and up your windows. Keeping the fauna in your property manicured isn’t just for aesthetics but also for your security.
Make sure vines and other wall-creeping plants don’t grow near the fences and walls of your home too as they can provide footholds for climbing. And don’t leave your ladder, rope, and various other tools that can potentially be used to break into your home lying around the yard. Keep them locked in the tool shed or garage.
Join Your Neighborhood Watch Program
Getting to know your neighbors is one the best pieces of advice you can take to keep your home safe and secure. Neighbors are more likely to help you and call the police when they notice something suspicious around your property.
If your neighborhood has one, you should join its watch program not only to increase the security of your home but also to help keep your community safe for everyone.
Final Takeaway
A break-in at home is one of the biggest violations of your safety and security. And it can be hard to sleep peacefully at night inside your house after such an experience. Don’t wait until you become a victim.
Take precautions to increase the security of your home. The money you invest in your home security will be returned to you in full every time, and you can relax and feel safe at home.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates