Do you love horses? Maybe you want to show your kids the importance of respecting animals and think that horse riding could be a good way for you to do that. Either way, here are some of the top health benefits you can expect to take advantage of, the next time you saddle up.

Cardiovascular Health
Studies have been done in the past by the British Horse Society, and they have found that riding a horse can give you remarkable cardiovascular benefits. Even if you just go horse riding for half an hour at a time, it’s actually classed as being moderate exercise. Trotting exerts more calorific energy than badminton as well, so if you want to get fit, horse riding could be a very good way for you to take that next step.
Lower Blood Pressure
One of the many benefits that come with riding a horse, would be low blood pressure. Horseback riding is exercise at the end of the day, and this is great if you want to lower your blood pressure. Low blood pressure can significantly lower your chances of developing heart disease, not to mention that being around animals can also help you to relax more.
Making Decisions
When you are out riding, you will have to make decisions all the time. You need to know if you should be slowing down or speeding up. You will also have to know which paths to avoid, and when you should give your horse a break. Little things like this will help you to ensure that you are looking after your horse to the best of your ability and it will also translate to you being a better horse owner. You will also have to decide when to use horseware fly sheets and when to cover them in cold weather, which will help you to expand your level of understanding about the animals’ needs.
Relaxing Experience
The natural movement of a horse can be relaxing. When you walk together, your movements will be in sync. Taking your horse out also gives you the chance to get in front of nature and this can help you to be much more in tune with yourself and your emotions. If you have a stressful job or if you find that you have a lot of stress in your life then you may find that little things like this, end up really benefiting your mental health.
Simply riding a horse and understanding their movements can help you to gain a level of knowledge about the animal and how they work. By understanding the animals you are working with, you can feel much more connected to them and you may also find that you feel more at ease. This can give you a level of confidence which can translate to other parts of your life. If you want to really benefit yourself, then it could be an idea to volunteer to work at a local stable, so you can understand the horses and their requirements, while learning to take care of them.