5 Dangerous Phrases That Are Destroying Your Relationship – Revealed

The Mommies Reviews

Have you and your spouse been arguing a lot lately? 

You’re both feeling stressed and frustrated, and you’re not sure how to fix things.

We’ve been there. We’ve all been in relationships where conflict has gotten the best of us. 

But we’ve also learned a few things along the way.

To learn how we dealt with this situation for good, check this out: 

 Here are 5 tips for dealing with conflict in marriage:

  1. Calm Down. Take a break if you’re feeling too angry or upset to talk. But don’t just walk away, leaving your spouse in suspense, but do something to calm down.
  2. Listen to each other. When you’re ready to talk, listen to what your spouse says. Don’t interrupt or try to solve their problems for them. Just listen.
  3. Avoid name-calling and insults. Even if you’re feeling angry, it’s important to stay respectful. Name-calling and insults will only make things worse.
  4. Focus on the problem, not the person. It’s easy to get caught up in personal attacks when you’re arguing. But it’s important to focus on the problem, not the person.
  5. Find a solution that works for both of you. Don’t just try to win the argument. Instead, work together to find a solution that works for both of you.

We know that these tips aren’t always easy to follow. But if you can do them, you’ll be well on your way to dealing with conflict in your marriage healthily.

And if you’re looking for more help, we recommend our Marriage Mastery program. 

This program teaches you how to communicate better with your spouse, resolve conflict, and build a stronger relationship.

Click here to learn more about our Marriage Mastery program: Marriage Master: 3 Months to Forever!

We hope this helps!

Bonus tip: Remember that you’re on the same team. You and your spouse are supposed to be partners, not adversaries. 

So remember to work together to resolve conflict and build a stronger relationship.

Click here to learn more about our Marriage Mastery program: Marriage Master: 3 Months to Forever!

Let us know if this helps!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates