Home is where the heart is, yet the love organ isn’t feeling too good at the moment. Why? It’s because there are too much stress and tension in your life. The kids need homeschooling, the bills need paying, and the relationship requires maintenance. The last thing anyone wants is to grow apart because life got in the way.
Turning to interior design seems cosmetic to say the least. How on earth is a lick of paint going to help? The truth is that the right improvements can work wonders for your mood. Here are four to keep in mind and how they work.
New Windows
Depression is a darkness that spreads throughout the body. In a rational sense, it’s a metaphorical gloom. However, an actual lack of light can encourage the feelings to grow and escalate. Sitting in a darkened room staring at the walls is the cliché associated with people dealing with mental health issues. To stop this from being you, there needs to be more natural light to lift the murkiness. Installing new windows should allow the UV rays to shine through and bathe the property in sunlight. Adding glass through the house can add to the effect, as does opening up space.
Tidy Up
Tidy up isn’t a renovation per say, but it is an improvement if you live in a dirt box. Some people don’t mind clutter because they are untidy. However, a mess is something which impacts mental health. Being around it makes the mind feel cluttered, and that influences decision making. Simply put, you can’t do it as well. The result is an increase in stress. Plus, there’s the military side of things to consider as a divorce attorney makes a killing from arguments centered on the mess. To improve your mood and your relationship, clear everything away and give it a home.
Color It In
Remember the days when you were a child, and you sat coloring for hours? Well, it wasn’t just the act of putting crayon to the paper which was enjoyable. The shades themselves also impact how you feel. Orange, for example, is known to encourage feelings of anger. Blue, on the other hand, is very calming and therapeutic. The trick is to find the emotion you want to feel and the corresponding color. Yellow is fantastic because it is bright and optimistic and cheery. Green and red are also productive.
Upgrade Something
Homeowners hate things which aren’t perfect. For example, there will be a light which is out that you haven’t gotten around to yet. Every time you look at it, you’ll think “God, it needs fixing.” The same goes for a stain on the carpet or a scratch on the coffee table. Buffing out a scratch or lifting a stain can have a fantastic effect on your mood. After all, it’s one less thing to worry about when your plate is already full. For those who want to go all out, add something which will add value, such as a conservatory.
David and I have been talking and I wanted to redo the deck and the balustrades or fence around the deck. Because the Black Iron is out of date and boring. As David and I were talking I let David know I would like to call a company to come and give us a estimate and tell us how we can make the balustrades more up to date. Our neighbor let us know we should call Balustrades Gympie.
Leslie let me know she had used them in the past on her home. Then she let me know they also work on the rental homes her father and uncle own and have for rent.
How do you feel after reading this post? Happier?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I am in the process of updating my home. I think my house it too dark and I want to lighten it up. You have some great ideas here.
Thank you, Jeanette and I think if we were able to lighten ours up
it would help with my mood and feel like I am tired all the time.
I love your way of thinking and changes like these always work on livening up my mood. I’ve started adding in pops of color this summer and it really does make a difference. I’d love to get new windows one day or even new curtains would make a difference.
Terri, I got new blinds although I like curtains and all hubby would
get was white blinds even though I wanted wooden ones.
I know windows will not be happening because we rent our home and he says
investing in it is a waste of money even though we live here.
Yup, cleaning up always helps! And I want new windows at some point. There are SO many things we want to upgrade as well.
I hope you’re able to get new windows, Amber, I would just like to have
a home of mine, not one that we rent. Although I am grateful we have
a home.
We up graded one bathroom this year and plan on doing the second one now. We ended up remodeling the kitchen and I am in love all over again. You are right completely.
I need to do the same rooms but its hard when your renting because
if you have to move you spent all that money Candy and have nothing
to show for all your hard work.
We are guilty of letting things go sometimes too long. It is nice when something like a bathroom or sink gets fixed and works well after it was not working, so satisfying.
I agree it is satisfying and we have so many things to fix Melissa
that I think it would be better to just move.
Great post! I would love to get new windows for our home. It will make such a great home improvement as well as making our home more eco-friendly.
I hope you’re able to get new windows soon Tasheena and I also would
like eco-friendly windows to help save on our Electric Bill.
We got new windows years and years ago. I really loved them! I mean I still do, however the newness has totally worn off.
I also like new paint!
We painted our home a couple years ago Joanna and it doesn’t even look like it
I think its time to freshen them up.
Changing the colors of the room or just adding an accent wall can really change the mood! I think these are awesome suggestions for homeowners who would like to improve their home’s ambiance.
Thank you, Carol and I am happy you enjoyed the tips.
These are some really great ways to liven up your home/ I love the idea of adding some color!
Thank you, Janet and we have a lot of colors in our home and we
want to redo some of the rooms and use different colors only
my husband isn’t too happy about that.
Some good points because and you can live in a box if you make it desirable to you. Paint the box and you’ll be happier.
I agree with you Janet sometimes I do feel like I live in a box.
I really believe you should love the space you live in and I agree good natural lighting in your home can be wonderful for your mood. I never thought I was one to be affected by gloomy conditions, but its true. I’ve felt depressed more in the winter time than I ever have in summer. My home has tall vaulted ceilings so we get a lot of natural light in here.
Heather, lighting is important and I wish we had more lights in our home
or vaulted ceilings.
You’re right on. Sometimes the time and effort to do some home renovations make me procrastinate, but by the time I get going, it has my mood totally lifted and I’m hungry for more. This is a good list to get going.
Thank you, Jenn, if I could get past getting started I know I would
get so much done and feel better as well.
I just got a whole bunch of paint for the house. I am so excited to start painting it!
Have fun painting Kita and come share pictures when you’re done.
Coloring works for me. I have a set of color pencil and coloring books. I do it when I feel down or alone.
Would you like to join me this morning Ruth, as I am ready to run
away and hide from everyone so being able to color and relax
would be awesome.
I would love to get new windows and a fresh coat of paint. I think it would make a huge difference.
Heather, I think it would for both of us although we rent my
home and I don’t want to fix things when it should be the
landlords job.
I’d love to upgrade a few things in our home. I think I will this fall. I think the house needs some sprucing up’
I need to spruce mine up as well if I could just get my husband to agree
and to give me the money I need to purchase the items I need.
Can’t wait to get a place of my own. I find that interior decor and switching things around definitely help with how I feel.
I agree I move furniture a lot when I am down.
Ohh, thinking of repainting my flat as well. Been checking out how to as I would want it as a do it yourself only to save some bucks. Wanna bring some positive vibes on it.
I love DIY projects as they allow us to express ourselves and are calming.