In Homeschool this morning Charlie and I will be playing Scrabble to Go from Winning Moves Games. I would like to make a confession Scrabble isn’t a Game Charlie and I have played but I’ve wanted to.

This games innovative design allows you to pack up in the middle of the game without disturbing the words you’ve already placed on the board. The tiles snap in place.
Create words using the Scrabble tiles and write a story.
Math: Take away 5 words and what does your story make sense?
Subtract 15 tiles from your story and does it make sense?
Art Class:
Create a illustration from the story you have written.
Drama Class: Read your story out loud to your parents and describe how the story came to life.
Music Class:
Turn your story into a Rap Song and then plan the song for your friends.
Reading: Find a story with a mixed up plot like Scrabble and explain how they are alike and how there different.

Innovative design allows you to pack up in the middle of the game without disturbing the words you have already placed on the board. The tiles snap in place!
Additional Resources:
Teaching With Scrabble Tiles in the Homeschool
Make Scrabble Day Fun with Your Kids!
Speed Scrabble: Boost Spelling and Vocabulary
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates