3 Things To Remember Before Using CBD On Skin

The Mommies Reviews

3 Things To Remember Before Using CBD On Skin

person holding white labeled bottle

image source: unsplash.com

Cannabis is taking the medical world by storm. As people turn to natural remedies in search of safe cures, cannabis is increasingly becoming one of the most sought-after drugs. Medicinal cannabis is mainly sold as (cannabidiol) CBD, which is the most beneficial cannabinoid in cannabis. 

You can have CBD in whichever form you want it, be it tinctures, edibles, oil, and even topical lotions. People use CBD for various ailments, including chronic pain and skin conditions such as acne. If you want the best CBD for skincare you can try THC cannabis oil.

Like any form of medication, it is essential to understand what the drug entails. CBD is a chemical and interacts with the body in different ways. Knowing how it works can help you make the best use of it. 

3 Things to About CBD

1. Different CBD Products

CBD for skincare is derived from hemp flowers and leaves, and it contains many molecules that are beneficial to the body. Among the molecules you obtain from CBD are vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, terpenes and other phytocannabinoids such as cannabigerol (CBG), cannabidivarian (CBCV)cannabinol (CBN) and cannabichromene (CBC). 

black and white plastic bottle beside black and white computer keyboard

image source: unsplash.com

If you try to buy any CBD skincare product, you will likely come across the terms CBD isolate, CBD broad-spectrum, and CBD full-spectrum. Isolates contain pure CBD with all the other molecules extracted. Broad-spectrum and full-spectrum products are similar in composition except that the latter contains THC (the psychoactive component in cannabis). 

Studies show that CBD works best in its natural form, so it would be advisable to buy full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD oil if you want the best results. These types of products will ensure that you take advantage of the full benefits that CBD offers. 

2. Entourage Effect

Scientists believe that the chemicals found in cannabis work in synergy to produce far greater results. When people hear that full-spectrum products contain THC, they become reluctant to use them, but THC’s amount will not make you high. 

However, the limit of THC in commercial products is limited to 0.3%, which is a safe limit. Such low levels of THC are not enough to trigger a psychoactive response but can enhance the effects of CBD. The entourage effect enables the individual chemicals to modulate and improve each other’s effects.

When buying any product, choose trusted dealers whose products have been tested and adhere to legal limits.  It is also advisable to get a third-party lab test report. The report will indicate all information relating to the contents of the product you are purchasing. 

3. CBD Effects on the Skin

Finding a perfect oil for all skin types is never easy. Many people end up buying so many different types of oils for different purposes. But CBD oil offers most of the solutions to different skin types in one product. 

tesco butter beans in water

image source: unsplash.com

CBD hydrates the skin, but it does not clog your pores, ensuring that your skin gets an adequate air supply. If you have oily skin, CBD will also help regulate your skin’s oil production as it offers the needed hydration. 

CBD is equally suitable for dry skin, which is why it is believed to treat acne. Acne often develops as a result of dry skin. To moderate the dryness, the skin ends up producing excess oil, leading to acne. 

The fatty acids contained in CBD act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents. This is what makes CBD useful in managing irritation and inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. 

white and black labeled bottle

image source: unsplash.com

The fatty acids also help with new cell generation and enhance skin growth. Studies have also found fatty acids contained in CBD to alleviate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Anecdotal evidence from users also indicates that CBD oil helps reduce wrinkles and aging lines on the skin.

Final Word!

CBD is becoming a popular product for skincare. Little is known about CBD at the moment, but research shows promising results. One of the main benefits of CBD oil is that it is natural and safe on the skin. 

If you want to add CBD to your skincare kit, try it first on a selected area of the skin and observe the results for a few weeks. If you have a skin problem, though, you should not use CBD as a remedy without first talking to your dermatologist. 


Quality Traits of “Cannabidiol Oils”: Cannabinoids Content, Terpene Fingerprint and Oxidation Stability of European Commercially Available Preparations (nih.gov)

Hemp Oil for Skin: Benefits and How to Use for Your Face (healthline.com)

Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects (nih.gov)

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates