3 smart TV apps every viewer should look into  

The Mommies Reviews

3 smart TV apps every viewer should look into  

Although the wildly popular smart TVs used to be classed as a luxury item, they are easily seen in more and more households nowadays due to their reasonable pricing. The pricing of a normal TV and a smart TV is extremely comparable so why opt for a normal TV when you can get additional features with a smart TV? This interactive device allows viewers to pair their TV to their internet to access a variety of different apps, however, the option to access live TV is still there as long as your TV aerial is functioning. Click here for TV aerial installation services. Now, without further ado, let’s point out the 4 most influential and favoured apps that smart TV owners should most definitely look into! 


Netflix is unarguably one of the most popular smart TV apps and dominates streaming services with over 214 million people worldwide using the platform. Netflix had seen an extreme rise in viewers during Coronavirus lockdown phases which allowed the brand to grow even larger as viewers had not much else to do other than entertain themselves with TV and social media. We would assume that you have already heard of this market leader and if not, subscribe monthly today to access endless amounts of documentaries, movies, and TV shows. The options are unlimited as Netflix covers all genres for every background and age group with over 38 thousand hours of content available to all subscribers.  


This smart TV app is one for music lovers. This streaming music service is a must-have and is perfect to have on your smart TV not only for yourself but for guests during events, gatherings, and parties at your home. The platform allows access to countless amounts of music as well as podcasts, and you are bound to find content that you love and enjoy listening to. One benefit of Spotify is that it does not necessarily need to come at a cost. The app does provide users with the option of setting up a monthly subscription with additional features however, you can also sign up to the app at no cost. This is particularly recommended if you only listen to music occasionally as the options can be limited however, it is still great to use! 


YouTube is such a raw app and is brilliant if you prefer to watch unfiltered, real-life entertainment. Sometimes, non-fiction, scripted shows, and films are not always enjoyed by all and viewers gain more entertainment watching real-life people or reality stars share vlogs, make-up tutorials, interviews, or even podcasts. YouTube is a free app and once you have created your account, the app will distinguish what content you prefer to watch, providing you with further recommendations that you may also enjoy. This is highly beneficial as the platform is so large and its capacity will never be filled, meaning that content will just continue to be produced and uploaded by the over 2 billion active users. That means that it can be hard to navigate through the app and find suggestions unless you have an account. Therefore, once you have downloaded the app to your smart TV, create your account and watch the entertainment unfold. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates