3 Awesome Ways to Preserve Family Memories

The Mommies Reviews

3 Awesome Ways to Preserve Family Memories

(via: https://pixabay.com/photos/aged-background-box-card-color-2941136/)

Every family has some precious memories from the past. This could be anything from a family trip, to birthday pirates, to family reunions, and just about anything else. Reliving these can be a ton of fun and be important in keeping family bonds strong. 

Unfortunately, over time, many of these memories will fade away and be replaced by new ones as we age. As a result, it is up to us to preserve these memories and ensure they don’t fade away. This article is going to go over three ways you can do just that.

Get a Custom Painting or Drawing Done

A unique and wonderful way to ensure a memory never dies is to get a custom painting or drawing of a specific individual, group or event. This could be a family portrait, a painting of an important photo you have, or anything else you never want to forget about.

You could do this yourself if you are so inclined, but if you want to ensure it is good enough to hang on your wall and/or pass on for generations, you may want to hire a professional. Thankfully, this is easy as you can get professionally painted pictures from Instapainting that will be incredibly high-quality, and also affordable. This way, the memory in question will be memorialized forever, and never be forgotten.

Ensure They are Digitized

(via: https://pixabay.com/photos/data-transfer-connection-data-3199488/)

A lot of our memories are in the form of old tapes or photos/film. Unfortunately, these things will deteriorate over time. The changes may barely be noticeable at first, but eventually, the photos and videos will be unwatchable or hardly be able to be made out at all. To ensure you never lose these priceless memories, it is a good idea to digitize them.

This is essentially done by transferring them from film or tape, onto a digital format that can be saved to a computer, posted online, or even shared via email. You can scan and digitize old photos and film to make them much

Also, as long as you never delete them or lose the computer/usb stick, these photos and videos will be able to be enjoyed and will continue to look good for generations.

Create Scrapbooks, Chests or Time Capsules

Another way you can preserve memories and keep them around forever is by recording them and/or putting them somewhere safe. This can be through a scrapbook, keeping a chest, or even making a time capsule.

When it comes to scrapbook ideas, there are plenty and you can save everything from school report cards, to childhood art, to photos. A small chest full of your favorite childhood toys, ribbons, school report cards, assignments, school photos, and various other things can be a good way to ensure nothing is lost.

A time capsule can be a great way to surprise yourself a few years down the road and have the memories of the past instantly come back if you have forgotten them. Of course, be sure to keep these all in a safe place and ensure that they are well-cared for.

Any of these awesome methods will be great for preserving family memories and ensuring that they are never forgotten.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates